PRICE: $4.00
Four short series of man/demon sex, all of which were written for a fan that commissioned it, but he gave me creative control and I feel good about these stories. There are a total of fifteen chapters in all, and sorry, I don't have illustrations for this book. The series are:
A six-chapter story about a father and son driving on a vacation trip to Florida, who find themselves stuck by car trouble in a small village along the way. The village seems to be composed entirely of men in the prime of their life and who are all only too happy to enjoy the sexual pleasures of the new visitors to their town. But why is the dominant building in this village the large cathedral-like building and who is the devilishly handsome innkeeper who has an unusual control of the men in this small village. Their first night they are plagued by horrifying nightmarish dreams but when they wake up, they discover these nightmares are only the beginning of their adventure which will test them to the limits. A single scene involves incest while one of the two is demonically possessed.
Young Zane Parkinson is thrilled at being taken by his new stepbrother to his fraternity house at college but discovers the nefarious reason he was brought, which was to be the virginal sacrifice to a demon worshiped by this cabal of college-age men. When the demon discovers Zane is not a virgin after all, he is angry and it is up to our hero to come up with a way to save the very men who attempted to offer him as a sacrifice. A series in three parts.
This two-part story has our hero Roy Weatherall on his first job out of high school working as a night security guard at a museum of antiquities. He is drawn to one of the exhibits, a small golden box sitting on a pedestal with writing on it. Opening the lid of the box in curiosity, he unleashes a demonic presence that he can only see out of the corner of his eye but has the power to enter the bodies of any men who our hero encounters, these men (if not a muscular hunk to begin with, are converted into muscled hunks by the demon) invariably force young Roy into raw rough sex that he can't help but enjoy immensely. He has to figure out how to get the demon back into the box from which it came, or suffer an endless series of rough sex from muscled handsome men (hmmm, that's a curse?)
Sir Litton, a handsome muscled knight of the Realm, has been enchanted by an evil witch into becoming a compliant slave who does her every bidding. The witch has further enchanted him with the ability to sustain the most horrifying rough violations of the monsters and demons of the land and whom she brings to their small hut. He is helpless and can do nothing but obey her, until he happens in one of his quests in her service by another young knight with whom he fights a dragon. But the witch and one of her compatriots have their own plans for this second knight who has come upon them and their evil craft. A story in four parts.
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