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This book contains storylines you'll never find at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, this book contains 30 of my stories about mean, rough fuckers who don't ask for sex, they just take it. The storylines border on, and occasionally cross over into, rape scenarios, but usually our hero gets into the action. Sometimes, he's even the bastard who's taking what he wants! This eBook contains the following 30 stories with most of them also carrying an illustration:
A Couple of Young Punks--Spike and Jam Crank are a couple of young punks on a Saturday night, looking for some fun, when Jam Crank tells Spike that the best oral sex comes from another guy, and he knows just the place to let Spike find out how true that is. They hit a public gloryhole in search of adventure, and get a lot more than they bargained for!
Discharging the Trust--Kelly is the beneficiary of a trust administered by David. Kelly wants David to give him more money, right away but David takes his duties seriously; he's going to discharge the terms of the trust no matter what! But Kelly plans to fight with a powerful discharge of his own!
A Good Old-Fashioned Butt-Pounding--Johnny had a new job at a construction site, and knew the dangers of turning down the rather rough hospitality of his fellow workers. But one guy has done so and Johnny finds himself a part of a group out to revenge themselves on the one who has spurned their offer of sharing a beer after work with unexpected results!
Caught in the Act--When Susie's parents come home from the party early, her father catches Jeff naked in Susie's bed. Sending Susie down to wait with her mother, Susie's father sets out to teach this young football jock a lesson about seducing his daughter, and this lesson is long and hard! Rough sex.
I Love My Job--Our hero waits in readiness for his Master to come home and when the man does, he promptly forces our hero into a rough sexual encounter. Then he orders our hero to get ready for company which leads to further degradations and sexual acts. How can he endure such a life? Well, it helps if you love your job enough to do whatever it takes.
Knight Takes Pawn--Graynor and Ewen are members of the Ducal Guard picked for a special assignment, a life-sized chess game where they are the pieces. But this game has a special penalty for any piece that is captured during play, and veteran Graynor worries about recruit Ewen's ability to take what the Duke is going to be dishing out in the game!
Cheating on Boyd---Boyd is a jealous bull of a truck driver, and when his wife cheats on him and demands the name of her boyfriend, she blurts out our innocent hero's name! So he's in for some retribution and has to choose...does he say he cheated with Boyd's wife and get beat up, or admit he's gay...and get beat up anyhow?
Good for Nothing--Stuart and his wife had a live-in houseguest who has more than outstayed his welcome and his wife orders Stuart to tell the good-for-nothing louse to move out at once. But when our hero walks in on the sleeping stud naked in his bed and tells him he's good for nothing, the man promptly proves our hero wrong by showing him how good he really is!
Keeping Bodie Happy--Done with high school, he was going to work at his father's auto repair shop, and told to remember only one matter what, keep Bodie happy. Bodie is a huge, powerful man who's a genius fixing cars, but when his girlfriend dumps him, he's smashing things...until our hero steps in and puts a smile back on his face.
The Puppy and the Corvette--When Brad peers into the garage of the Armstrong Brothers, he sees a Corvette inside. Determined to "borrow" the car for a rid, he breaks in, only to face two big, angry, horny men who know how to handle an insolent puppy of a young man!
Timeshare--Frank goes up to his mountain cabin for his timeshare week, to find Efram already there. The cabin was double-booked, so they set out to share, to find that what Frank has to also share is his ass. But two can play at that game!
Spoofing the Sarge--Private Merryfield had his staff position because he was the office whiz with the base's computer system. But when a nearby sergeant starts getting some very sexual e-mails that appear to be from Merryfield, he has to try to explain what a spoof e-mail is to a sergeant who doesn't want to listen...but has read them and decides to give Merryfield what he's been "asking for!"
Workboots--His new neighbor left his workboots on the front stoop their front doors share. But when the hunky neighbor stoops to insult, he thought of the perfect revenge using those boots.
Bully--Elliott's worst nightmare has come true, his mother has fallen in love with the father of his lifelong bully, Tom Baxter. Tom now shares his bed and when the lights go out, Tom seeks to share even more!
No Solicitors--That's what it said on his door, but when the brash young salesman bulls his way inside anyway, our hero decides to teach him the dangers of ignoring the sign. But the guy keeps pitching his product....
Rear-End Collision--Our young hero has taken his family's car without permission and without being on their insurance policy. So when he is in a rear-end accident with the gruff hulk who runs the local gas station, he has to work out his own deal to pay for the damage with the only thing he's got...his ass!
Rogue Cop--A seasoned policeman is dismayed to learn his rookie partner has been dealing dope stolen from the police evidence locker. He decides to turn his partner in...but wants to get a little revenge of his own first, with astonishing results.
The Satan’s Bargain--Two rival motorcycle gangs, Satan's Army and Kings Hawgs, had forged a fragile peace that let them share the same town without bloodshed. Our hero, a new member of Satan's Army, found that a part of this treaty was the drawing they held every week at their meeting and his name turns out to be the one drawn. Nothing for him to do but deliver on the "Satan's Bargain" they've forged, which is to be bound and turned over to the Hawgs to do with as they like!
Whatever Honey Wants--A meek man is forced by his wife Honey to go down to the basement and confront the rough janitor about a repair job. And whatever Honey wants, Honey gets, but the janitor demands some services of his own.
In the Pit--Stone has been captured and is now at the mercy of the enemy! The commander's determination of what to do with him is three words, "In the pit," and Stone finds himself chucked into a deep hole. But he doesn't stay down there alone for very long and finds himself the sexual servant of every soldier on the enemy side!
A Real Man--He made the mistake of stopping at the gay bookstore on the way to work at the warehouse. And when his boss found the gay porn magazines, our hero learns what a real man feels like.
No Free Rides--Three guys are stranded out in the wilderness and when they find help, the guy declares he doesn't give help unless he's paid. Ass, gas or grass, and our guys don't have any of the last two. One of them will have to square his shoulders and take one for the team, and our hero decides to volunteer. Little does he know....
A Prison Christmas Present--Bannis returns to his cell to find that his roommate is inexplicably gone. He finds out why soon after, when the guard arrives with the new prisoner, a cute young man with a big red bow draped over his chest. Bannis is about to have a Christmas unlike any he'd ever had which ends with him doing something he never expected to do!
A Couple of Fucking Amateurs--Two young punks break into a house they know to be empty...and it is, except for a naked man with a gun and his own ideas about how to teach them a lesson they'll never forget! Rough sex.
One Can Look at the Father--In 1842, our hero and his father are on foot after an attack and seek refuge from the storm in an isolated cabin. The occupants, another father and son, make their guests welcome but the son finds out that the cabin's father has his own plans for our hero.
Cut-Throat--Two business rivals get stuck in an elevator together one night and their enmity comes to a surprising head.
Unorthodox Honeymoon--Our hero and his new wife are taking their honeymoon on a charming Caribbean island. The thing is, every time his new wife leaves his side, he finds himself surrounded by horny, hairy men who have their own ideas about what a man should do on his honeymoon!
Mocking the Masqueros--Living in a Latin American country torn by civil war, our hero and his grandparents feel safe enough on their farm, after all, they have nothing the rebel Masqueros could want, do they? Our hero finds out how wrong that is when two Masqueros pay them a visit after being insulted by his grandfather and he pays the price.
Who’s the Hero Now?--The thug hood finds his buddy has a present for him, a young policeman bound and gagged, ready for the slaughter. But the hood has other plans for this captive cop.
That’s an Order!--Our hero is in boot camp and one morning, is caught sporting some morning wood by the drill sergeant. He is ordered to report to the sergeant in his quarters, and once there he is given orders like none he's ever received before!
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