The Chumalima

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

"The chumalima?" asked Jordan incredulously. "Is this a joke?"

"No passage." Milval answered seriously, the local term for "no way, no how." "The chumalima is quite real. They are very hard to find and a home can house a chumalima and not even realize it."

"Aw, come on!" the Earthman teen scoffed at the Bimaboran teen he was walking home from school with. Jordan's family had emigrated from Earth only a few days before, part of the latest group of colonists which had arrived on this world. There are multitudes of millions of planets in this galaxy, but the ones that have followed Earth's own evolution as a planet closely enough to be habitable for humanity are few and far between. Most such planets were already filled enough to block partially or completely all colonization, but Bimaboran kept asking for more and more colonists.

"So I'm supposed to believe in, and watch out for and guard against, a small animal that lives hidden inside a home, so it can slip out at night and crawl into my bed with me?" Jordan said. "Look, I know I'm new on this world and I need to learn a lot, but I mean, come on!

"Come on?" Milval blinked at the unfamiliar term for "quit kidding me!"

"Oh!" Jordan searched his memory for the local slang equivalent. "I meant 'wild jets.'" He was trying hard to pick up these colloquialisms and to stop using the ones he had grown up with, he was revealing his immigrant status with every word he spoke!

"Ah. Well, I have done my part in alerting you to this danger and if you choose to not believe me, I can do no more. Once you have been visited by it, you will decide what you need to do, and when you do, let me know and I will assist you more."

Milval walked off from Jordan then, as he had come to his own home on the walk home from school and Jordan shook his head as he walked his fellow student. Milval was younger than Jordan, only 24 to his own 28 (the Bimaboran year was shorter than Earth's). Suffice it to say that Milval was a college freshman and Jordan was in his sophomore year of college, except that on Bimabora, they combined high school and college together, so he was still in the school that, if he had been born on this planet, he would have attended for five years already and working on his sixth.

Some Bimaboran birds swam overhead and he regarded them with some bemusement. Bimabora had never evolved the idea of arms or legs, and settled for being able to extend their bodies out in exotic and (when compared to Earth's equivalents) extreme lengths and configurations. The "birds" he watched were like large misshapen pie pans turned upside down and they flew by working their rims so as to stroke through the air to fly/swim through the air. Their wings were so thin as to be translucent and the physics of their flight was difficult, but the birds managed it with ease and success.

Of course, the wind on this world was a big part of that, these birds would not have been able to pull off their activities on Earth. A mellow day on Bimbora was like a windy day on Earth, and tornados were frequent enough to be a constant danger. Jordan got to his home's anteroom, a larger room than one like this would be on Earth for good reason, and folded his windbreaker (an umbrella-like device you aimed windward from your body and it parted and deflected the wind away from you and permitted easier movement, otherwise, you could get knocked down on a regular basis.) The windbreaker served another purpose, if your direction of travel was the same as the wind was blowing things, you could deploy the wheels in the soles of your shoes, open the windbreaker downwind of yourself and be pulled along at considerable speeds. It took experience but few Bimaborans were novices at this activity and Jordan was experimenting with it at every opportunity.

Mom was fixing dinner and he told her about his conversation. "I wouldn't worry about it, dear," she replied. "If the animal existed, wouldn't they have pictures of it, or have it in captivity, or stuffed animals to show you? Not just legends."

"That's what I said." Jordan answered. "Milval was firm about it and declared he wasn't joking."

"You can ask more about it at school in the morning." Mom said to him. She patted his shoulder. "Now, go wash up, dinner will be ready in another half hour." The days on Bimabora were so long that their shorter than normal years were composed of only 250 days instead of 365 like Earth's, the Bimaboran day was some 30 hours long and took some getting used to. Jordan was yawning by sundown and had trouble sleeping until sunrise, though native Bimaborans seemed able to sack out that long easily. It was up to him, Jordan knew, to adjust rather than ask the world to set up a time schedule that worked for him. The nine hours at school were a bear, though. "Blew him down," he should have thought. Bimaboran slang, again!

Mom urged him to stay up and she seemed to have no problem with the 30-hour day that he had, but Jordan just couldn't manage it. He begged her pardon and promised to keep quiet until he had to go to school the next day

He undressed himself and looked in the mirror in the bathroom. The mirror filled one entire otherwise-unused wall and he had a full view of his entire naked glory. His muscles were building up pretty well, the gravity of Bimabora was 1.8g and took a good bit of getting used to, even the muscle enhancers they'd shot him full of on the ship was barely enough to keep him mobile, he had to build up to a body that would have let him compete (and win!) bodybuilding competitions on Earth. Damn it, he had to quit comparing his world to Earth, Bimabora was his home now and it was time to be a Bimaboran all the way through!

He studied his body and thought, "Hey, nice! I'm a hot looking stud!" which meant only that he was beginning to resemble his fellow students, they still considered him puny and Earth girls would have swooned over him no end. His face was movie-star handsome, he liked to think, with clear, blue-green eyes and brown hair cut to the Bimaboran style (think an Earth style of the 1950's with the part on the head, then shave the entirety of that smaller portion and let the other half grow out to a length that would make a 1950's parent shout "get a haircut, hippie!" He struck a few bodybuilder poses just for the fun of it, sneered at himself, "you puny runt," and determined to ask for more body enhancing drugs at his next chance, see if they could let him have more. He wasn't piling on the muscles as fast as he should. Naked and dry, he padded barefoot across the room and into his bed.

His bedsheet under him felt silken and wonderful, and getting the heavy mass of his weight (307 pounds or 140 kilos) into the bed felt wonderful. The mattress was of a specially designed foam style that cushioned him to the maximum and felt magnificently soothing. He was soon, still flat on his back, snoring away.

On Bimabora, the stars don't twinkle, they ripple, the winds are such that the air distortion makes the stars slide about in an eternal dance, swaying back and forth, shedding their faint but rippling light through the large window and over the figure in the bed. The three moons of Bimabora in their ringlike-orbit around and with each other were all on the far side of the world, so the room was extremely dim. If one could have seen in the room, they would have seen a small thing that resembled a puddle of thick material maybe an inch high and six inches across, flowing across the floor. When it reached the bed, it stopped being a puddle and coalesced into a blob that somehow managed to scale the sheer bedposts as if it were flat ground, and it climbed thus onto the bed and under the sheets between the muscled teen's legs. As it moved the last bit, it began to make a small sound, like "chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma."

Too soft a sound to waken the no-longer-teenaged teen, the thing crept closer and closer to the youth's testicles which were stacked one atop the other loosely in their ballsac between his thickly muscled thighs. The chuma-chuma-chuma sound grew slowly louder as it crept up and so gently as to not waken him, it climbed up his balls and kept crawling until his entire genitalia were encased in the blob's mass.

Only then, its first objective achieved, it grew at the bottom a tendril which expanded and extended until it was some five inches in length, the tip then bent toward the lad's body and slipped into the narrow furrow between the boy's buttocks and the bed, burrowing into the cleft until it found the small dimple of the anus.

It probed at the opening, gently still until it managed to worm the flesh open, then it began to slide into the teen's bowels, wire thin at first and then after it had extended into the anus for quite a while, it began to expand instead. Softly, gently, slowly, it began to massage the flesh it was in contact with, urging it to relax, let it go further into the youth, and the flesh yielded. The tendril began to expand more and more, and the larger it grew, the quicker it throbbed.

Jordan woke up, feeling the weird sensations rushing through his body and as he stirred, the entire thing attached to his body began to throb and pulse, the sound of chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma rising in soft, throbbing sound in company with its pulsing.

For Jordan, it was a disorienting, confusing thing. He was feeling a rush of sensations and had no clue where it was coming from, only that his cock was thrilling, his nuts were screaming and his ass was titillating him with delights that he had never experienced before.

Fumbling, flailing in the bed, he finally reached down to try to figure things out from touch and that was the first he felt the non-thing. He couldn't quite detect the obstruction from touch but he felt a fluttering in his fingertips and couldn't touch his genitals in any way.

Chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma, the sound continued unabated, slowly growing louder.

He struggled out of bed and found the light switch and hit it, looked down at the junction of his legs.

At first, he thought he'd lost his entire genital area, he looked as naked and non-gendered as a Ken doll. Only a slight bulge was there, the entire region flesh colored and looking like it had always been this way.

Chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma, the constant sound was now up to the level of a normal person's speaking voice in volume.

He would have done more, but the throbbing in his loins sped up still more and he felt, to his mortification, that he had to squirt his jizz and squirt it now!

He struggled against it, not wanting to find out what that would do to him but it was useless, he lost all control and his climax seized him and mauled his body.

"Chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma," a pause, then, "Lima-lima-lima-lima-lima!" as Jordan struck his climax and writhed in his ecstatic agony.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, OHHH-OHHH-OHHHH-OHHHHHHH!" he cried out in his shame and his joy and felt his cock explode with jizz. Or it should have. His body didn't release anything at all, his body remained untouched and unchanged, he remained the living nude Ken doll, and gasped and shook and wiped his face free of sweat. The only change was the sound the thing made, it turned its melody to a "lima-lima-lima-lima-lima" all he time he was orgasming and slowly subsided to where it was saying nothing at all, silent at last.

His body had settled down in terms of the sensations but he remained a sexless being to the eye. He couldn't think of anything to do but what he did, which was to call out for his mother.

"Mom! Mom! Help me, please!" He called. His mother came in, saw his predicament, screamed and fainted dead away.

She recovered and took him to the doctor who merely looked at Jordan and said, "The chumalima."

"It's real?" Jordan gasped. "I only heard about it today from Milval, and he wouldn't tell me anything but had I heard about it and needed to learn about it. I thought he was talking about a legend."

"No, it's a truth of our world." the doctor said. "It's a being of this world that feeds upon a man's body, by stimulating him and milking his semen. You aren't in any mortal danger, I should explain, your penis and testes and such are all still right where they used to be. The thing molds itself to your body, as you have seen, and becomes an integral part of your body."

"Integral? You won't come off?"

"I'm afraid not. It has completely seized your sex organs and subverted them to its own purposes, a part of its feeding system. It's even reached the point of camouflaging itself as a part of your own body. But you aren't hurt or damaged beyond this at all, I should explain. Your penis and testes are still in there and will function as normal as will your anus."

"My ass?" gasped Jordan.

"Yes, it's slid into your anus and settled into the intestinal walls. You will find that you can urinate and defecate as usual without any problem, the chumalima will create a channel for your urine and a tube for your feces, you just have to sit down for every visit to the bathroom from now on. The only time the chumalima will interfere in your life is when it needs to feed."


"Feed on your semen. It will begin to stimulate you as you have no doubt already experienced and keep it up until it is fed, and then it will subside again."

"Oh, God!" Jordan moaned. "What am I going to do?"

The doctor looked at him. "You are going to have this chumalima feeding on you for the rest of your life. It will not injure you in any way and there are some health benefits for you, you will no longer experience diarrhea or constipation, for example. Your sex life has been unalterably changed, but you will find the chumalima will be something of a benefit that way. If you experience an erection for some reason, the chumalima will notice and feed, it will keep you happy that way."

"Happy?" Jordan groaned. "Doc, I've been neutered! I can't even get to my own cock any more!"

"But you will be able to live an otherwise normal life. If you wish children, your semen can be harvested and a child grown by artificial insemination of a willing woman. We've dealt with this creature from a few years from our first landing on this world."

" many people on this world have been taken by the chumalima, Doc?"

"The percentage is close to total infection." the doctor rose with a sigh. He thumped his own groin in a manner that would have made a regular male cringe in pain. "But we have adapted to this and are dealing with it the best we can."

"Artificial insemination." Jordan asked. "Is everyone born on this world born by artificial insemination?"

"For those born here, yes. But the process remains expensive and many people are only willing to incur that expense once. We can't repopulate our own planet, much less expand to other lands from our birth rate alone."

"But...but why don't you warn everyone about this thing ahead of time?" Jordan demanded. "No normal man is going to want this!"

"That's why we don't tell them. But look at it this way, Son. Why else would we be so eager to accept so many colonists? Without a constant influx of new colonists from Earth and other worlds, the colony on Bimabora would die."

Jordan gave up. He couldn't stay home and had to go to school. Milval met him and looked at him only. "Well?"

"It's got me." Jordan sighed. The chumalima had "fed" again shortly after he woke up that morning.

"Yes. Well," Milval said and put an arm around Jordan's shoulders, "you will get used to it, I have. Come on, we have to hurry or we'll be late to school."

So they walked together, arm-in-arm, the soft sighing sound of "chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma-chuma" singing from their loins.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM