By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM
"Ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba! Ba-ba-ba-ba!"
He lay gasping and I stayed where I was, lazily milking his pud with my hand, and then I felt him fishing for my groin. I didn't say a word, I just turned over and lay with my head on his stomach while he leaned over to grab my cock and stroked it for me.
"I don't know if I want to be the other woman." I said.
Artwork (c) 2000 by Voyeur
"Wa-wa-wa-wa! Wa-wa-wah, wa-wa-wa-wawah!"
"Ba? Ba-ba? Ba-ba-ba-ba!"
That was my neighbors, or the way they sounded coming through my wall. The "Ba-ba" belonged to Chris, and the "wa-wa's" were his wife, Tess. They argued like this every night, it seemed. Just loud enough to wake me up or keep me awake, but not loud enough for me to understand a word of what they were saying.
At least tonight I was still awake! Too damned hot to sleep anyway. I got out of bed, slipped on a pair of baggy shorts and opened the front door to let the night air circulate some more, sat down in a chair. I had a singles apartment, and from here, I could see their front door, not that I was looking that way.
Not until the door opened and Chris walked out. He was wearing a T-shirt and blue jeans, and a pair of men's bedroom slippers. "Fine! I'll go spend the night at a friend's house and then you can get some sleep!"
"You do that!"
Oh, jeez, now they were taking the show on the road! I looked at Chris, thinking it was a shame he didn't have a happier marriage. He was such a good-looking stud, with his nicely muscled body he kept up by running and lifting some free-weights he owned, his hair was deep brown, nearly black, and just waved enough to look styled all the time. He kept it in a swept- back look from a left-hand part and with closely-trimmed sides, so that it formed a very clean-cut image. His eyes were steel gray, his cheeks were smooth and only lightly fuzzed with beard as yet (he was only 22 years old, nearly four years younger than me). Why Tess would fight with him every night was a mystery to me, if I had a stud like that in my bed, I'd be too busy fucking and sucking him to argue. Not that I was carrying a torch for this guy, but I have to admit that I sort of warmed up when I looked at him. I had talked with him as much as any two neighbors in a big city can. We weren't friends, but we knew each other well.
He was a family man who was devoted to Tess, very much so. His arguments, near as I could make out from his actions, came from the pain of miscommunication, and the hurt affront of a man who can't understand the woman he had married. He and Tess couldn't have been married long, they acted very much like newlyweds, or at least Chris did. He was constantly reaching out to touch her at the pool-side or when they were walking, though she usually pushed his hand away. Tess struck me as being more than a little of the Ice Queen. She didn't seem to like to be touched, even in those hand-holding ways, at least in public.
Chris said some more, and the door was slammed in his face. He looked bewildered, like a puppy shut out of the house, and then turned my way. "Hey, Tony!" he said. "Can I borrow your phone? I got kicked out of the house for the night and got to call a friend to come get me." Chris didn't own a car; their sole car was his wife's property and she wouldn't even let him drive it. He used the bus to get to his job as a security guard, or he walked or she drove him if she felt like it or he begged her enough. Like I said, she was more than a little of the Ice Queen sort.
"Sure, Chris, come on in." I said and gestured to the phone that was on a small table by me. I didn't get up, my chair's mate rested on the other side of that table.
He sat in the chair and dialed his number. Waited, listened. "No answer." he said, and dialed again. "Hey, John, it's Chris. Could you come get me? My wife and I had another fight and she's kicked me out." He listened. "Yeah, but.... Yeah, but.... John, the bus doesn't run by you this time of night, you know that. Yeah, but.... Well, okay, thanks anyway." Chris sat down the receiver and looked baffled. "Guess I got to find a motel." Then he grimaced, and I knew he was thinking of the money; probably didn't have enough. Nobody with money for things like that stayed in this apartment building, strictly a run-down place for struggling young whatevers. Just like I was a struggling young pre-attorney, just out of law school and making ends meet with temp work while I studied for the bar.
"You can stay here for the night, Chris." I offered. I gestured at the bed. "Plenty of room if you can handle sleeping with me."
Chris knew I was gay, so I wasn't surprised when he hesitated. "Well...thanks, Tony." He stood up. "Well, I'd better get some of my stuff."
"Why?" I asked. "You can get it in the morning."
"No, I mean...well, I don't have anything to sleep in."
"Huh? Oh!" I said. "Well, shucks, Chris, I'll loan you a pair of my briefs to sleep in."
"Okay, thanks. Tess probably wouldn't open the door for me anyway, right now." Chris stood up. "Well, I got to get to work early, so if you don't mind, I'll go to bed right now."
"Sure." I said and stood up, went to my dresser and fished him out a pair of my briefs.
Okay, so I buy all my briefs at International Male in West Hollywood. I handed him a pair that were almost a jockstrap, with a wide-open section up the front of each leg, so that it was only held together by the top strap. Black top strap, dark purple briefs and a soft, sensuous feel to them that really caressed your balls with every movement, downright erotic. "Here." I said. "I haven't even worn this pair yet."
"Thanks." he said then looked at them. "Uh, sort of small, isn't it?"
"Sorry, Chris, that's the only kind I wear." I said and pulled down my baggies long enough to show him my own pair, a set of very abbreviated tiger-striped briefs. "Nothing else I have will cover you any better. Go ahead, it's just us guys here."
You probably think from my name that I'm Italian, with black hair and so on. Well, I have almost pure Scandinavian genes and am very light blond haired, blue eyed, square jawed, and pale-skinned. Your typical Nordic surfer god type, not that I ever surfed, but I kept working out and tanned at the pool-side to make my body a light golden brown.
He went into the bathroom to put them on. Well, I guess I couldn't blame him. I shut the front door and stripped out of my baggies. He came out in those briefs and I nearly fainted. I hadn't seen him this undressed before, he always wore a T-shirt even at the pool.
A thick coat of chest hair made heavy patterns and lines across his entire front of his body. His pubic hair must have been a dense forest, the way it stuck out of the sides of those purple briefs, and shone through the thin fabric. I had known he was hairy, but I hadn't imagined this hairy! And I love hairy men, too! I licked my lips, then looked up at his face. I think I blushed. "Sorry for staring, Chris." I turned away. "Which side of the bed do you want?"
He picked the outer edge, so I crawled in and pulled the sheet over me, and watched him crawl into bed with me. I have a full-sized bed, plenty big for one person. But with two, you sort of have to touch each other a little. I wasn't trying to touch him, but his arm was right next to mine, and I could feel the hairs on them as they brushed against mine.
Chris was restless. A half hour later, he was still turning and moving in bed. It was like trying to sleep on a water mattress in a pool full of children. Rock and roll, roll and rock.
I lay there and pretended to go to sleep, hoping he'd do the same. But after a time, I felt a very familiar shudder in the bed. A shudder I hadn't felt since I was younger and shared a bed with my older brother. Our bed, an older kind like this one, would shudder like that every time my brother would....
I was on my back, so I turned my head and looked. Yep, Chris was whacking off in bed!
I couldn't believe it! He was straight, in bed with a gay man, and he was whacking his meat! He may have thought I was asleep, but you have to admit, well, it wasn't the smartest thing for him to have done.
The sheet was tented up and whipping from his strokes on his prong. He wasn't trying to be furtive about it, that or he was too caught up in the building orgasm. I reached in quietly and grabbed my own cock, fished it out of those abbreviated briefs, and began whacking along with him. I didn't call attention to myself, but after a time, he looked over at my hand moving as fast as his was, then over to my face. We looked at each other, and I waited for him to jerk away, to get out of bed, to yell oh, jeez, whatever. He just kept stroking it, his eyes fastened on the sheet that was being double-whipped by us pounding our puds.
I pulled down the covers, and lay there, showing him my cock and wondered if he would do it. First step was, yes, he pulled down the sheet from himself and let me see him work his prong. God, a beautiful pud. Only a little bit of city light got into my room, but there was enough to let me see that he had a big, thick cock a good eight or nine inches long, cut and heavily bent. His hairy abs were lines across his stomach, his breasts were twin mounts covered with dense growth, and he was looking at my cock like he was wondering what it would taste like, me wearing nothing but my briefs tucked under my balls and a gold chain around my neck.
I began to groan audibly and he matched me, the two of us grunting our pleasure as our hands bobbed on our dicks, watching each other beat off. I would have taken things further, but he was too damned hot. The sight of my ten-inch slender prong must have done it for him, because he groaned and splattered himself heavily. A thick musk filled my nostrils and I watched as the thick spurts arced over like jets of water from a fancy Beverly Hills squirt-fountain, landing first on his chest and up to his neck, then it coated his stomach. I looked and smelled his wad as it pooled on his stomach, him groaning loud enough his wife must have heard him. The sight of his come on his hairy body, the smell that filled the room as though a heavy musk perfume had been sprayed inside, the thought that his wife could hear us, would think he was making love to me after walking out on her, I found that thought incredibly exciting, and I groaned and shot my own wad onto my stomach. With a long pud like mine, you don't squirt as hard as a shorter one (or one with more power like Chris' cock, he wasn't that much shorter than me), so all I did was soak my stomach with its taut flat platform broken only by my dinky navel.
I gasped, caught my breath and gulped, looked at him again. He seemed placid, comfortable. "Some rags in that nightstand." I said softly, non-threateningly. "I keep some clean in there for this. Just hand me one while you're at it."
He did so, and I nearly swooned as I felt it. His hand had been covered in come, and a sticky spot was on the rag, which meant I was touching his come! We wiped ourselves off and then I chucked the rag over him to the floor. He wiped a bit longer and then did the same. Looked at me, cleared his throat and said, "Good night."
"Good night, Chris." I said. He settled in and he did go to sleep. He snored, but you know, I always loved that sound. It means you're not sleeping alone. I went to sleep myself.
I woke up to the alarm going off. Chris was fumbling at it, but the alarm had an odd set- up to it; you had to flip a not-very-obvious switch to turn it off. I reached over him and managed to shut it off despite his help. It meant I had to nestle right up against him and I enjoyed the feel of my scraggly fine chest hair mingling with his equally scraggly back hair. I let my arm drop around him, pretended to be so groggy I didn't realize I needed to move right away. Then I pulled away and lay back in the early morning light.
And the bed began to shudder again. I looked over and he was flogging again. This time the covers were back, the light was full and I could see everything. I got a hard-on in no time looking at him in full light, him looking at me with a grin on his face, encouraging me. So I kicked the sheet on back and tugged down my briefs and joined in the fun. We flogged ourselves while watching each other and I got up the courage to say, "There's some lube in the nightstand, too, if you want to use some on that."
"Thanks." he said, licked his lips. "Could you rub it on for me?"
With an offer like that, I didn't even pretend that this was anything other than open, blatant sex. "Sure!" I said and reached over him for the nightstand drawer and while I fished in it with one hand, my other one found and wrapped around his cock. I stroked him while I fumbled out the lube, and then popped its pull-top with the same hand that was holding it and squirted it on his cock while I flogged him.
He groaned and I spread it on his cock with the one hand while I continued to flog him with the other. "Oh, God, that feels so damned good, Tony!" he breathed. "God, Tess never does anything like this for me, never!"
I didn't like him mentioning Tess like this, but let it pass. "Beautiful prod you got there, Chris." I said. "Could I have a taste of it?"
His breath caught, held for a second, then he said, "Sure, go ahead."
The hesitation gave me pause, but I went ahead and took it. He'd be back in his wife's bed tonight, I might as well satisfy the itch I'd had ever since I first saw him. Like I said, not quite a torch, but it was close.
The lube was water-based and reasonably non-toxic, only left a slightly oily taste on my tongue as I worked it over his cockhead. The groan that rose from Chris was from the very depths of his soul. This was something else Tess had never done for him, I'd've bet. I decided to give this stud a morning-after-delight he'd never forget; I used my every trick to milk his pud with my mouth, running my tongue over it when I had it buried in my mouth, pulling up while holding extra firm with my lips, darting my tongue over the top of it as I paused so briefly at the top, then back down again, doing this quickly, so that his experience was a single unending pleasure.
I didn't expect him to last long and he didn't. He groaned; I pulled back and flogged him hard while I lay down across his stomach and he blasted his load all over my chest and neck. A copious wad, it was like the guy hadn't been laid in months and had been saving it all that time.
Oh, God, the man was a pro with his hand! He pounded me better than any man ever had before, and he was better with that hand than most men were with mouths or asses. It was damned good sex, for being a hand-job, and I groaned, blasted my wad onto my stomach. He milked me until I was silent, then he rubbed his hand over my stomach, lifted it up to show me his hand covered with my jizz, then he rubbed it on his splotches on my chest, combining them there, then lifted his hand up still sticky with our sperm, and I followed it with my eyes until he reached to rub those last remnants of moisture onto one ample hairy breast!
"Damn, you're good!" I breathed. "So damned good!"
He smiled at me, and said simply, without complaint or guilt in his tone. "I sure wish Tess thought so."
"Really?" I asked. "You haven't been married that long, have you?"
"Eight months." he said. "She wanted to wait until we got married, and I found out after that she didn't want to do it much then, either. Me, I need it twice a day, more on weekends if I can get it. So we fight about it a lot."
"Is that what you're fighting about?" I asked.
"Yeah." he said. "I want it and she doesn't. Couldn't you hear from in here?"
"You don't come through that clearly." I said. "I only can hear that you're fighting."
"She loves me." he said hastily. "I don't doubt that. She just doesn't need sex very much."
"I'm glad I'm not married to her, then." I said. "I'm like you, want it all the time."
"Guess I should have married you." he joked. Then he sobered up. "I'd better go knock and try to patch things up with her."
"Sure, Chris." I said. I knew this wasn't anything more than a brief fling for him, so I wasn't too disappointed. He got dressed and then turned and said. "It sure is a shame you aren't a woman."
"It sure is a shame you aren't gay." I retorted. I didn't like comments like that.
"Yeah." he said and went out the door. I spent some time thinking about that last line of his!
That evening, I got home pretty late, having stopped for a visit at a friend's home on the way, and found Chris sitting on the front stoop. "Hey, Chris." I said as cooly as I could. I wasn't going to advertise last night to anyone. Just a neighbor saying hello, that was the way to play it.
"Hi, Tony." he said. "Can I come in?"
"Sure." I said and walked in my home, my heart fluttering. What was going on here?
"Tess and I had a talk." he said as he flopped in the other chair. "She's pregnant. Found out two days ago and was waiting for the right moment to tell me."
"Oh!" I said. "Congratulations!"
"Not really." he said. "She told me today that she didn't feel right having sex while carrying a baby. Doesn't matter that the doctor told her that she could keep having sex for a while. She has cut me off for the duration."
"Gee, that's too bad." I said. "What are you going to do?" I asked.
Chris looked at me. "I was hoping for more of what we did this morning." he admitted.
"Huh?" I said.
"I love Tess." he said. "I'm not going to lie to you about it. And she loves me. But she doesn't like sex. I got her to admit that to me today, too. She thinks it's dirty, and disgusting and not a proper thing for a lady to be doing. Her mother must have really done a job on her! Anyway, either I divorce her or I come up with a way to take care of my needs without her."
"So you thought of me?" I wasn't sure how I felt about this! "I don't know, Chris."
"You like me, don't you?" he asked. "I've seen you looking at me at the pool, and other times when I was wearing shorts or something. You like me, don't you?"
"Sure." I said. No reason not to be honest. "But I don't know how I feel about being the other woman here. Not to mention that I have my own needs to take care of and a hand-job doesn't cover it."
"I was going to offer you more." he said. "I talked to Tess about last night. She doesn't feel like I'm cheating on her, not with you, not with another guy. I sort of feel the same way. I couldn't bring myself to touch another woman while I'm still married. But I can do it with you. Any way you want to." He licked his lips. "I want to. Will you think about it?"
"Sure." I said as he got up. "I'll think about it. But I don't know."
"Okay." he said. "Take care, dude."
"You, too." I said. I was stunned. A gorgeous hunk with a high sex drive offers to become my steady supply of loving, and I turn him down? Was I crazy? I changed out of my business suit and into my comfortable baggies and thought about it. Was I actually going to do this?
No! He was a married man, and straight, and very much in love with his wife. What was I, toilet paper you use when you feel like it? Much as it hurt, much as I wanted to take that hairy body in my arms and slather it with my lips and tongue, much as I wanted to feel that thick prong of his again (I could feel it in my hand that very moment, like warm steel wrapped in a thick layer of silken velvet), I couldn't do this to myself! I had my self-respect, damn it!
A knock at the door, almost a relief to break off the thinking. I opened it, and Tess was there. "Uh, hello." I said.
"Can I come in?"
"Do you think you should?" I asked.
"I need to talk to you." she said.
"All right."
She sat in the chair Chris had used. "Tony, Chris said you're having problems with the little offer he made to you."
"Problems." I said. "Yeah, that's an understatement. We had a good time last night...."
"I'm glad to hear it." she said quickly, sincerely. "Tony, you're my only hope to save my marriage."
"If you don't do this, Chris will leave me, sooner or later. I can't...I can't satisfy him that way. I just can't. I know it's a wife's duty and I know there's nothing wrong with it. But I don't like it. And with the baby coming, I like it even less. Then after, I'm going to be worn out from caring for the baby. I love Chris and I want him to stay with me, but I'd be happy if we never had sex again!" That last was so emphatic I had to believe it.
"I know." I said.
"Chris needs sex, a lot of it. So much I'm worn out from trying to take care of him. He says that you like it as much as he does. And I don't feel you threaten my marriage the way another woman would. She'd want to marry him, to have his children. But with you, we can keep this discreet and comfortable."
"You wouldn't be the other woman." she said. "I'd be the other wife. We could get a two-bedroom apartment together, and the baby and I would share one bedroom and you and Chris could have the other. You could help with the baby a little, maybe. Even be his godfather?"
"Tess, you and Chris are blowing me away here!" I said with feeling. "I thought I was supposed to make people uncomfortable, not the other way around."
"I know you, Tony." Tess said. "I like you. I trust you. And so does Chris. Will you think about it?"
"Sure." I said. "I'll think about it. But I wonder if you and Chris have thought about it."
"How can we convince you?" she asked.
I thought about it for some time there, and she waited for me to think. Finally, I said, "You tell Chris that if he wants to be lovers with me while keeping you, he's got to go all the way. I mean, he has to knock on that door and come in here and know that I'm going to fuck him up the ass. If he can do that, and if you can let him do it, I'll believe you two are serious."
"I'll tell him." she said and got up.
I figured that was the end of it. I figured I had raised the stakes so high that they'd see how silly it was and get counseling or something. No straight man thinks of being pronged up the butt with anything but sheer terror! They don't know diddley about the prostate gland that makes being fucked so much a genuine pleasure, being another man's bottom, even though they've probably already had a doctor touching it for them, to give them the clue about what it feels like.
I sat there, looking at my bed, which looked awfully lonely and small now. At my life, work and home and little time in between for fun. The guys at the bar were beginning to fall into three equally hopeless categories: Leeches, Guilt-riddens and Only-one-nights. I had made moves on some guys and then looked back afterwards and thought, jeez, was I desperate or what? I was doing a lot of that lately!
Was what Chris and Tess were offering me so bad? To share their life, that's what they were offering! Even a kid to make it all complete, the middle-class dream. He could call me Uncle Tony and I could call him Sport and we'd play ball in the park and go places. He'd wonder about me sleeping with his daddy, but I could explain to him very carefully how....
Damn, I was making plans already! What was I thinking?
There was a knock at the door. I opened it and Chris was there. "Hi." he said.
"Hi." I said. "Come on in."
He walked in and sat down on the bed instead of the chair, which startled me. "Tess told me." he said, nervous as hell.
"I thought you should know just how far you have to take this. We had some fun playing in bed with each other. That's a far cry from going all the way into being lovers. I don't blame you for changing your mind."
Chris looked at me. "I'm not changing my mind." he said.
"I came here for you to fuck me." he said simply. "If you'll come over here and show me what to do, we can get started."
"Criminy!" I shouted, stood up and paced. "Chris, do you have any idea what's involved in getting fucked for the first time? It usually hurts like hell, no matter how gentle the other guy is."
"Okay." he said.
"Okay." he said. "I trust you."
Again with the trust! I couldn't believe it! "You're both crazy! Completely, stark-raving crazy! And I'm crazy for even agreeing to consider this! What about my life? What about me?"
Chris stood up and took me in his arms. They felt so damned good around me. "I'll take care of you, Tony." he said. "Me and Tess. It's not what I expected to be doing the rest of my life, no. But either I do this or I divorce Tess with a new baby on the way. And besides...."
"What?" I asked, looking at him.
"I want you." he said. "I've wanted you all this time. I would hold Tess and think about you. Dreaming of your arms around me, your lips kissing mine, your...having your cock inside me. You tell me to come over and be fucked by you, to prove I'm serious. Well, come on and fuck me, Tony. Be as rough as you want to be. I want you to!"
His lips sought mine, his hand was groping my crotch and I was lost to sense. "We're all crazy!" I breathed when that kiss ended, eventually. "This is never going to work out! Never! We'll mess each other's minds up so much we'll all be inmates at the asylum together."
His hand had fished inside my shorts. "As long as we're together." he said. "I can bribe the guards to let us be roommates."
I groaned as his hand found my cock and he fumbled the baggies down over and beneath it. His hand felt so damned good, and then he went down on his knees and he sucked on my cock! God, he felt great! He wasn't an expert, but he kept his teeth out of the way, and he managed to fit it pretty far down his mouth for a rank beginner. Oh, yeah, he was a beginner, but he was eager, and that can help out a lot when you're sucking cock! I stopped doubting that he wanted me, or that I wanted him.
I reached for him, tried to pull him back up, but he wouldn't let go. The bed was too far away, his arms were around my waist, holding me in place, and he was sucking me hard and fast. I couldn't go anywhere, couldn't do anything but run my hands through his hair and groan.
"God, Chris, ease up!" I moaned. "I'm going to shoot soon! You got to pull off! Please!"
He grunted no and kept right on sucking. I groaned, tried to hold back, but he was a demon on my cock, and I groaned, "No, Chris, it's not safe, let go! Let go!"
But he kept it up right until the moment when I lost the struggle at last, then he let go and I shot my wad right into that beautiful thatch on his chest while he played with my cock, using just his fingers and aiming it right at himself.
I nearly fell over when it was done, had to brace myself with my hands on his shoulders.
Done, he stood up and I grinned at him like a maniac. "You cheated!" I breathed. "I was supposed to get to fuck you."
"You can do that tonight." he said. "For now...." he turned us and threw me onto the bed, pulled off his pants and climbed onto me, sat on my chest. He was still wearing the purple briefs I had given him the night before. He fished his cock out through one side and said, "Your turn. But we have to hurry. Tess will have dinner ready for us in another half hour. A celebration."
"For what?" I asked.
"For you joining the family." he said and slapped his cock on my lips. "I'll call the landlord tomorrow and we'll move into that two-bedroom the first of next month."
I looked at the cock slapping against my lips under his impatient fingers. I was taking on more than a juicy prod with that schlong. I was taking on a three-way marriage, a full-time lover, a child on the way, a lifetime commitment. Looked at that prong, and at his handsome, smiling face. Not rushing me. Just waiting for my decision.
And I gulped him down. Mom would be thrilled to learn I was going to be a family man!
Comments, complaints or suggestions?
E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM