The Price of a Curse

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM

Alamarc the Evocator had a sedate, modest multi-storied house in the city of Parvale, capital city of the Kingdom of Rensimon. His powers were known far and wide, and when Lord Fennis of Middlebury desired the affections of the Lady Blessington who was also favored by the Duke of Wesmire (who was also the third son of the King), he knew he would need the magician's help to turn her gaze from the far more rich and powerful young Duke. Lord Fennis was a young man of handsome demeanor and strong body, but a sturdy form and ample endowment between his legs was scant compensation for the lush lifestyle the rather slender and long-nosed young Duke could offer the beautiful Lady. Yet she favored him over Lord Fennis, and he was determined to win her by any means necessary.

And so it was that he rode into Parvale on his beautiful white stallion adorned with the heraldry of Wesmire so that all would know to bow and give him his due, stabled the proud steed in a nearby stable with instructions to give it the greatest care for the next several hours, and proceeded on foot shrouded in a cloak for secrecy and, thus adorned, knocked on the door of Alamarc's house.

The door was answered by a frail-looking imp with long pointed ears and an oversized long nose and excessive teeth in his mouth, and he simpered up at the man in the hooded cloak.

"Ahhh, Lord Fennis, come in, come in." he said and bowed and scraped as he stepped aside to permit the young lord to enter.

"I seek counsel with your master." Lord Fennis told the misshapen gnome or elf or whatever this thing was; it was not human and that spoke more of the magician's power. "Will you ask if he can see me this evening, or should I return on the morrow instead?"

"Oh, he will see you, he will see you, if you have the money to make seeing you worth his while." the eldritch being said.

Lord Fennis reached into his cloak and removed a fair-sized pouch laden with coin. "I have this and more can be obtained if needed." he said as he showed the imp his wealth. "Now speak to him at once."

"He already knows." the creature simpered. "He is telling me now to bring you to him. This way, if you please."

Lord Fennis followed the gnome through a hallway and down a long flight of stairs that took them well below the city's bedrock. This hallway broke into a subterranean cavern that had long, evil-looking red stalactites and stalagmites all around the mid-sized central floor, which held a enormous golden pentagram a hundred feet in diameter, the metal of the gold had been hammered into the rock beneath, and Lord Fennis marveled at this wealth, such could buy a man a large estate in many countries of the Realms of Man. And here it was a mere adornment, or then, he told himself, perhaps not. The cavern was lit by various torches burning on sconces built upon stands of solid iron, which gave the entire area an evil reddish glow.

At the other end of the room on a small throne ornate with jewels sat the Magician. "You wished to see me, here I am." he said to the somewhat cowed young lord.

"Marvelous Mage of Arcane Powers," he stammered, "I have heard of your abilities, and come to seek your aid. I desire to win the hand of the beautiful Lady Blessington who now is enamoured of the Duke of Wesmire, and come to ask you to divert her gaze from him to myself."

The magician, dressed in dark purple robes covered with arcane symbols, bearing black hair and a long black beard through which his eyes burned like flaming sapphires, smiled rather unpleasantly. "I can win for you her heart, if you have the heart yourself to endure what must be done to attain her enchantment, for it is powerful magic. Not every one who asks me to perform the magic is brave enough to endure it and that has been their downfall. Once the magic is begun it must be completed, or the demon shall be enraged and drag you down to the dark demesnes, and even my magic cannot retrieve you from the endless torments you will endure there. I ask you again, do you want her enough to do whatever is asked of you?"

"I do." Lord Fennis said stoutly. "I am not afraid."

The magician smiled. "Then you are a fool, but I have warned you and you must now not withdraw. My price is a thousand secura. Have you such with you?"

"To the very diminis." Lord Fennis suspected the wizard had scried his possessions and set his price at the coins in his pouch. "I have it here." He pulled from his belt the pouch which held a hundred skirra, smallish golden coins worth each a hundred silver secura, or a thousand copper diminis. A single diminis was what the common man of the realm was paid for an entire day's work, and so the money exchanged thus was considerable.

"Give it to Wimple and we shall begin."

The imp darted up and took the pouch, darted off with it, chortling maniacally as if he knew what was to come and thought it a marvelous mean mischief to befall the daring young Lord. Lord Fennis summoned up his courage and watched as the magician worked his craft, pouring obscene smelling sauces or potions into a large brazier that consumed all he poured into it, causing a horrible stench to fill the room. The last item caused a tremendous smoke that filled the room utterly, blinding the Lord, and when he could see again, before him in the pentagram stood the demon, over twenty handspans height more than Lord Fennis' own six foot one inch body, and as broad shouldered and muscled as three of his human guest. His skin was a gleaming shade of pale scarlet and no hairs were anywhere on his body, and between his legs swung a love-hammer than could break a mortal man in twain.

"So, Lord Fennis, you desire to steal a maiden's heart. Then enter the pentagram so that I may collect my own fee and once I have done so, I shall do as you have bidden."

"I have no more coin on me." Lord Fennis said, swallowing hard. "I can obtain more if you will but wait a...."

The demon raised a hand in dismissal. "I have no need of earthly coin, for my realm is bedazzled by all forms of precious treasure. No, what I require for payment, is you."


"Enter the pentagram and let me enjoy your body for a span of hours and you shall after be left whole and uninjured and indeed, not even remember what has befallen you. You may then depart and when you arrive back at the Castle, the Lady Blessington will throw herself into your arms."

Lord Fennis swallowed again and said, "You swear I shall be made whole again? And recall nothing of what torment you will bestow?"

"All shall be as innocent as a newborn babe with you." the demon smiled meanly. "If I did not do this for you, you would be left a ravening madman ever after. Now enter." he said with a firm voice that brooked no further discussion.

Lord Fennis forced himself to walk forward and when he entered the pentagram, he found himself at once divested of all clothing and armament, he was as naked as he had been as he had come from his mother's womb.

"Ahhh, a lovely young specimen of manhood, and look at the daring bell-clapper he swings between his legs." the demon said. "Enjoying you shall be the greatest of pleasures for me. Alamarc knows my tastes well, he was wise to choose me for your partner in this."

"Partner?" Lord Fennis asked.

The demon didn't bother to answer but a large taloned hand reached out and scooped the young Lord toward him. As he was drawn near, the demon shrank in size until he was but a foot higher in stance than Lord Fennis. "Now I am of a size that I can enjoy you better." the demon drooled as he reached his lips for Lord Fennis' face. The lips pressed against his own and Lord Fennis forced himself to welcome and cooperate with the kiss, though the taste of those lips was of meat that had long gone foul and rank. When the tongue slid into his throat, he let it pass though it was of a prodigious length and not only reached his tonsils, but slid down his very throat and the tip touched the wall that separated his esophagus from his beating heart. He shivered as he felt this and wondered if he would even survive what came next.

The demonic hand gripped his cock and palped the massive dong, as it stiffened despite his fear, Lord Fennis felt his hardening cock gripped and he shuddered, fearing that the demon planned to yank it off him by its roots.

As the hand began to work his dong, he hissed at the unexpected pleasure. The demon laughed as he watched the nobleman becoming aroused despite himself. "It disturbs you, does it, to find that pleasure is the same no matter how it arrives." he hissed. "And if you enjoy that, then be ready for what comes next."

Lord Fennis was lifted by the demon's arms as if he were the weight of a feather, and he found himself with legs splayed out wide and the demon's fang-toothed mouth descending up on his proud pillar of manhood. "No, no, pray do not do this!" he begged hopelessly. Was he to be unmanned by those vicious fangs?

But the demon's lips fastened upon his with no touch of the teeth and he looked down to see the demon's head begin to move up and down upon him, sucking on his rod with every semblance of enjoyment at the task. He groaned anew as his cock was loved into a hopeless state of sexual urgency that assaulted his sense of decency and decorum, assailed its rampants and broke through, ravishing and vanquishing the population of emotions beneath and he moaned, writhed, didn't complain as the demon rotated him around that pivot wheel of his ecstasy and found himself upside down, continuing to be given the blow-job of his lifetime (the demon had the talents of his eldritch breed), it felt like a hundred different mouths were pleasuring his love-rod simultaneously, no mere mortal man could attain this skill no matter if his lifespan were measured in eons instead of decades.

He saw the cock before his face, turgid and plump, but a fraction of its former size, the demon's dong was that of a well-hung man similar to his own endowment. In his latter teenaged years, Lord Fennis had mastered the flexible art of bending his head and shoulders down far enough to let him pleasure himself with his own mouth so the action required was not unfamiliar to him and with the joy racing through his own body from the demon's lips, he felt little compunction about taking this red-toned rod into his own mouth and feel the warmth and vitality upon his tongue.

He began to minister to the internal tool and as he did, he began to wonder. His pleasure in servicing the demon in this way was too pleasant to be his own mind, he remembered he was this demon's captive and why should he be enjoying this?

The demon left off sucking Lord Fennis' dong and turned the nobleman back to upright and placed him on the floor once again on his feet, and Lord Fennis took the opportunity to inquire, "Have you enchanted me with some love incantation that I should enjoy this conjugal coupling as I am?"

The demon just grinned. "I said you would grow mad if I did not erase your memory and you assumed that would be because of the torment you felt. Nay, it is because once a mortal has loved one of our kind, they find the more mundane lovemaking of their own kind as a pale and lifeless imitation. Now lie down upon your back and raise your legs and spread them apart as I have now the desire to take you within your lower entrance."

Lord Fennis gulped. "I knew somewhat of how to orally please a man...male, but naught of this other wise."

"You will find your body cooperates with every stroke I make upon it." the demon assured him.

Lord Fennis wasn't so sure of that, for the demon was after all now sporting a rod the size of a fair's prize-winning cucumber, but he complied and the demon spread itself atop him in the manner of a man mounting a willing bride. "Raise your buttocks higher, that I may enter you properly." the demon instructed. "Put your heels upon my lower back and brace for this shall be an entrance for the ages."

Lord Fennis put his heels onto the demon's lower back and felt the heels slide into the dimples that the muscles formed at that point, it was like they were there to help anchor him in place. The demon's glans touched his sphincter and he braced, and the demon gave a grunt and a shove and the thick plum-sized glans and broad shaft sank into his bowels.

Lord Fennis groaned as he felt his lower intestines become filled to overflowing with the male organ of this demon but the pain he felt was negligible and as the glans brushed his prostate gland (he had heard of such but never desired that it be thus explored), a rush of desire and delight raced through his senses. He moaned and the demon laughed a hard, knowing laugh and began to plunge in and out of his hapless human's bowels.

Lord Fennis found himself in a state of intense rut, he howled and moaned and begged endlessly for more and more, harder, please, faster now, please, faster, more, oh, Goddess of Light and God of Darkness, more!

The demon climaxed with a long, low growl, "Rrrrrrr-aaaaaaa-guuuuuuh, HUHHHHHHHNNNNNN, RRRRRRRAAAH!"

As Lord Fennis felt the jism pour into his bowels, he shook and exploded with his own orgasm, spraying a lush white load of spooge all over the demon's stomach and his own, and as the demon sank, panting with rumbling noises added, he moaned, "Oh, Goddess, that was amazing, I am almost sad it is now over."

"Over?" the demon said, rising and looking fierce. "It is over when I say it is, not when you declare!"

The cock inside Lord Fennis' bowels stiffened anew and the pummeling of his ass resumed. The demon gripped Lord Fennis in his arms and stood as if the man in his embrace was weightless and proceeded to repeat his grueling performance on the nobleman in mid-air. Lord Fennis again was transported into the heights of pure, intense pleasure, again, he begged for the demon to take him more fully, harder and faster, rip him to shreds if need be but give him yet more and more.

Throughout the rest of that day and all of that night, the episodes of sex continued. They varied in positions, Lord Fennis even astride the demon lying on its back and bouncing ecstatically atop him and there were sessions of oral sex with Lord Fennis happily nursing the ever-erect and ever-potent demonic prong. The size he sucked or was fucked by varied, sometimes smaller than others, and once he was rubbed full-body by a cock the size of himself as the massive demon frotted his entire body at once from his cheeks to his knees, and when he came, he drenched the lord so fully that the man could have drowned had the flood lashing his face not stopped in a short while.

As the next day dawned, the demon finished with Lord Fennis a final time and withdrew, sighed, and said, "And now the time is done and I am finished with you. Leave my pentagram and you shall find yourself restored and as innocent in mind and body as when you entered it."

"No, pray, don't force me to leave!" Lord Fennis pleaded sincerely. "I cannot bear to end for one moment this life of ecstasy and delights that you give, pray, I beg you, take me to your infernal realm and use me forever more!"

"And I told you to leave!" the demon, again his tremendous initial height, grabbed Lord Fennis by his head and tossed the nobleman out of the pentagram and as he left the circle of golden metal on the floor, his clothing reappeared and the man, awakening as if from some heavy dream, cried out and braced himself for the impact. He landed roughly with many an "Oomph!" and "Oh!" and "Agh!" as the hard rock bruised his body in diverse places until he stopped rolling.

He stood, dusted himself off and looked at the throne across the now-empty pentagram. The wizard stood with an odd smile on his face. "And is this done?" he asked, for indeed his own mind remembered only up to the point he had stepped into the pentagram and resumed when he found himself falling outwards onto the floor.

"You have paid the price to me and the demon. The Lady Blessington is now yours to claim as soon as you wish to pay call upon her."

"I shall do so at once." Lord Fennis said. "But if you lie now, I shall be back with a hundred men to cut you into two hundred separate pieces."

The wizard only smiled. "You shall not be disappointed. My clients never are. Now leave."

The imp was tugging at Lord Fennis' sleeve and he permitted the small servile gnome to lead him back up the stairs and out the door he had entered the day before.

As the door closed, the imp vanished and reappeared in the wizard's lower sanctum. "Another of your playthings has been your entertainment once more. What do you wish to do now?"

"Now?" the wizard stood and a transformation began to occur as he spoke. "Now the Prince will be upset at losing his lady and will come to me. I shall see to that personally."

The imp smiled and dissolved, expanded, and the demon stood in his place. "You are a clever wench for all of your magic." he declaimed.

"If I showed myself as a woman, they would not pay me a tenth of the price I can claim as Alamarc. Now, I shall attend to my business and you may spend today cleaning up for our next visitor. Mop up all the male sweat and spooge that has been thrown about, then polish the golden pentagram until it gleams once more."

"At once, my Lady." the demon bowed and shrank back into his usual form as the imp Wimple to do her bidding.

And the Lady Blessington (for it was she), sauntered out of the room.

Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM