By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM
Artwork Artwork (c) 2011 by Eduardo
"Why do we have to send Williams?" demanded old Dr. Crichton. "He doesn't have the training we do."
"Williams is a trained combat specialist." my advocate, Dr. Kendrick retorted. "Also, he's in top physical condition. Do you have any idea what the temporal shift is going to do to any human body? Anyone not in good physical shape could die from this experiment!"
"But what if he changes time?"
"We hope to avoid that by the distance involved." Dr. Kendrick said, more placatingly. "Middle Ages England was a tapestry of small dukedoms and filled with legends of odd occurrences at this time. We can hope any misadventures he has gets put down to storytelling and fades into fairy tales. And Williams has been briefed on how to behave."
"I've studied old and Middle English as well." I said, determined to be a part of the conference that decided my participation. "And the social mores of the time."
"You're going to be arriving stark naked."
"So I swipe some clothes or claim bandits robbed me." I said. "I'm a peddler from another town far enough away they won't know it except by name, and that will cover any oddities in my behavior. Come on! I'm only going for about a day's time! What can possibly go wrong?"
"The mind boggles!" Dr. Crichton said, and everyone laughed, including myself.
"Yes, but the alternative is to send another white mouse back. You want to do that?" Dr. Kendrick demanded.
"No." Crichton admitted.
"I'll be as careful as I can." I said. "The risk is really inevitable, if the experiment is to proceed. Now, why don't we get started?"
The deciding argument was the seed the last white mouse had been munching on when we brought him back. It had been conclusively established as coming from the Thirteenth Century, and pollen in his fur had also dated from that time. We knew how to travel in time, but someone had to go and look around in person. Which was me, Gil Williams, and I was getting impatient at the delays the scientists were putting me through. I'd been tested and X-rayed a dozen ways from Sunday, kept myself in shape despite spending lots of hours washing bottles and holding while scientists hammered, and now it was time for me to do what I'd signed on to do in the first place, go back in time.
Dr. Kendrick pulled me aside. "One other thing." he said. "I only learned of it before the conference. That white mouse had eaten quite a bit of food before we brought him back. We opened up his digestive system. Some of the things we're seeing are disturbing."
"In what way?"
"The mouse had seeds inside of him of a nature we had never seen before. Familiar grains, but smaller than what we're used to. Only about a fifth of present-day size. It's true that all plants mutate and people selectively breed for size, but this is something we hadn't seen before in archeological diggings."
"What do you think caused it?"
"Maybe the travel through time distorted its size." Dr. Kendrick sighed. "Or perhaps we are talking about the expanding universe here."
"What about the expanding universe?"
"Do we know where the universe is coming from? We know it's growing, but why is it growing, and out of what? If the steady-state theory is correct, that could be one answer."
"What answer is that?"
"Or maybe the mouse just found a wild growth of stunted seedlings. I'm a foolish old man. Just be prepared for anything when you get there, all right?"
"All right." I said.
After that it was step into the small box and try to prepare for the unknown. A flash of light had always indicated the travel of the white mice, but I didn't see anything at all. Just a sudden blur and I was falling. And losing consciousness.
* * * * *
I awoke groggily. Rubbed my head and looked around. Bushes; I'd landed in a bunch of bushes. They went up to head-high and taller, I stood up and fought my way through them. I reached a small clearing, saw a group of houses in the distance and decided to make for them.
"Ho, there!" I heard a voice, small as if far away. I looked about, not seeing anyone in the dense brush.
Then I felt a bite at my knee, like a thorn catching my skin as I walked, though I wasn't moving. I reached down and yelped, trying to grab the thorn and found myself instead with a wiggling animal of some kind the size of a small dog. Unable to see it through the brush below me, I pulled it up, hearing that far-away voice again yelling, "Ye-ahhhh! Mother Mary protect thy servant!"
That's when I brought the small animal up through the brush and saw instead that I was holding a man, dressed in rough clothing. The Little People? "I thought you were just a myth!" I said, astonished.
"There are those who would say the same of you, giant!" the little man said. He stood perhaps fourteen inches high if he had been standing and would have come up to about my knee. "I won't beg you for mercy though you chew my bones!"
"Here now, I mean you no harm." I said to him in the same archaic language. What I actually said was, "S'blood, I avowe my trothe not to do ye harme," pronouncing all the ending letter "e's" and giving it a lilting touch. It was somewhat pidgin Middle English, but it worked, the young man stopped struggling.
"You lie, giant, for it is well-known that those of your ilk do hold sway in these parts. A most strange creature was seen here afore, the size of a dog, but misshapen and blinding white, and which was raiding our grainfields to our great destruction."
I was startled into laughter; he was describing the white mouse. Now I understood the small seeds in the mouse's gullet, he had been enormous to this little man, who had been thus dispatched to slay the mouse-monster.
"Ye mock me!" the man said fiercely, but I caught his little sword and took it away from him, stuck in a tree-trunk where he'd have to climb to get it.
Then I sat down under the trees, seeing them now for what they were, and said, "If you continue to fight me, I'll have to hurt you just to keep peace. I'll be leaving these parts in the morning, stay with me and talk to me and tomorrow you can return with a fearsome story for your village about the giant you have fought and slain." I rubbed the gash he had cut on my leg, it had bled some but no other damage had been done.
"It's a deal with Satan you offer me." he said suspiciously. I looked at him, light brown hair cut in a page-boy cut, probably by having a bowl stuck over his head and all that stuck out from the bowl cut away. His face was lean and somewhat angular, with a prominent nose with a central bulge, and a somewhat protruding chin.
"If I had wanted to kill you, wouldn't I have done so already?" I said. "All I ask is your company for the night. Tomorrow I'll be gone and you can return to your home with any tale you wish. Only your confessor need hear the truth."
He rubbed his chin, troubled. "If you are not a minion of the Dark One, why then are you unclothed?"
"I looked down at myself and shrugged. "It is a long story." I said. "Is it important?"
"I suppose not, here in these woods." he said. "I'll build a fire for you, for it is getting cool at nights."
"I'd appreciate that." I said gratefully. His smile matched my own, and I knew the danger was over. I took down his sword and handed it to him. "You may need this to cut the wood."
I thought perhaps I'd seen the last of him as he walked off, but he came back some time later with a bundle of wood. I smiled and he grinned broadly back to me. "This will be a tale worth telling." he said, apparently having reconciled his religion and my presence in his own mind.
Dusk was rapidly approaching by the time the fire was built and with the darkness came the howl of wolves some distance away. I could see they made the man very nervous. "We'll have the fire to drive them away, and if not, there's me, able to crush them if they attack." I said.
"That will protect you, forsooth." he said.
"Then sleep next to me, with the fire on your other side." I offered.
"I thank thee." he said after a short silence.
I piled up leaves into a massive pile for my bed and lay down on it. He hesitated and then came over to me. When he lay down, I noted, said with some surprise, "Your clothes are wet."
"I fell in a stream while getting the firewood." he admitted.
"Why don't you take them off and lay them by the fire?" I suggested. "You can cover yourself with leaves to stay warm."
He hesitated. "It is not proper."
"And it's proper to share a fire with a giant?" I laughed and he winced at the sound. "I will not be talking to anyone but you. I'll be gone by tomorrow in the middle of the day. There need not be any sin other than in your own mind to confess at church."
"Mayhaps." he said.
"Or are you ashamed at how you'd measure up to me?" I said, laying out on the leaves.
"No mortal could measure up to you."
"So why even try?" I said. "Come, lay by me and get comfortable. The night is cool and I won't crush you. I have a dog your size at home that lays by my side."
He shivered. "It is true that with the night wind, these damp clothes are worse than none at all."
"My point exactly." I said. "They'll dry quicker off of you. Hang them on those bushes and they'll be fine by tomorrow morning, most likely."
"He went over and tugged off his jerkin. I saw that, while slender, he had a nice body on him, once you ignored that he was so tiny next to me. I saw that he had very little hair over the top part of his body, though enough to show that he didn't shave it off. Then he shucked his rather loose pantaloons and walked over to me.
I looked at his long dong swaying as he walked over. "I see nothing there to be ashamed of." I said.
He looked down and flushed. "I am not used to another seeing my body."
"Why not?" I urged him. "You have a nice body."
He looked up and smiled shyly. "As do you, giant. I have never..." he gulped and stared at my cock, "...even imagined one your size."
I smiled. "I'm a good size even for my own people." I admitted. "But you're a giant among your own." I patted the leaves. "Now come and let's go to bed."
I knew the strong moral code of the period and didn't put any strong meaning to our conversation. Repressed as this young fellow probably was, he wouldn't even touch me. I was surprised, then, to see that he lay down right next to me, his head pillowed on my bicep and his back snuggled up against my side. He was cold. Well, it was a cool night (Europe was very chilly during these centuries, some say it was the onset of a new Ice Age driven away only by man burning wood in sufficient amounts to cause a greenhouse effect to begin) and I was glad of his heat as well. I turned onto my side carefully while not dislodging him, and put my upper arm around him, letting my elbow rest near his feet and my hand up to rest at his chest, with my thumb and index finger forming an impromptu top of a quilt for him. With him, the leaves I had piled up and the fire, and my training for harsh conditions in the military, I was able to drift off to sleep.
I had a strange dream, of this small man moving against my body and kissing my nipple with his small lips, while his toes tickled the top of my cock. Me turning and bringing him up to lie on top of me, still holding his body tightly to mine. Of him squirming out of my embrace to slide down and his legs began to wrap around my member, him sliding his small body between my own body and my prong, to engulf it as if it were a lover, his own prong touching the base, his legs resting on my ballsac and his arms embracing my cock.
I groaned and sighed, and as his arms moved my cock back and forth, I woke fully and found it was no dream. "Ah, ah!" I sighed and reached up to tousle his hair gratefully with one gentle finger.
"Ah, my gentle giant." he said. "Merry, I never heard a tale of giants but that I dreamed of this. And now, with you, my dreams can have their reality. It will be worth a novena of prayers, and fasting on feast-days, to have this night with you, my gentle one."
"You are better than I." I said. "For I never even imagined this could be."
"There was one thing I always wondered if it were possible." he said.
"What is that?"
"Sit up, my gentle giant, with your legs spread wide for me." he ordered. "And we both will discover the possibilities of our pleasure."
I did as he asked, wondering. He again faced my prong, which was about one-third the size of his entire body, puzzled at what he intended. He got to his knees in front of my cock, and pulling it down, managed to match the cockhead with his own groin. I was pouring forth precome from the mad joy of it all, and was startled when I felt his cock sliding into my cockslit! His cock was only a tiny thing, about the circumference of a thick wire, but it crammed my cock full as he shoved it in. He got his prong buried inside of my own cock, and lay down on top of it, and held on tight, and began to fuck my dick with his own!
His arms were clinging tight to my foreskin, and he waggled it with every move of his body. It was like a handjob with the hand barely moving, but my foreskin was dancing over the glans of my cockhead and held taut to it by the bottom of his ribcage, and he hunched at me and managed to give me a good stroking at the same time!
"Oh, oh!" I groaned as he kissed my pubic hair, nuzzling his face into the dense growth there, literally buried in my pubic hair, and I felt his tongue dancing through the hairs there.
Of all the adventures I had imagined on this journey, none could match this adventure. I was being fucked by an fourteen-inch-tall man who was stuffing my cock with his own and managing to stroke me as he fucked at my dick.
He was grunting heavily and moving faster and I found my own orgasm building. "Oh, oh, I'm going to shoot!" I warned him.
"Uh, uh, uh!" He groaned and I felt it then, the oddest feeling in the world, sperm traveling INTO my cock from his jetting cock-plug dick. He was hunching at me rapidly and the strokes were impossible to ignore, I groaned, I let loose a roar that shook the forest, and I erupted.
It was somewhat painful at first, my jism had to squirt around his own pud still pumping away at me while he continued his own spurts into my body, but there was enough room that it drenched my little lover, and that seemed to fan his flame of desire, for he groaned, "Oh, yeah, cover me, cover me with it!"
I did a pretty good job, I'd been so busy around the lab ever since that last white mouse had come back that I hadn't jerked off in two days, and I was used to twice-daily jerks to keep my dick happy. So I drenched this poor guy, covered him copiously with my jism and he groaned and clung to me desperately, while I saw through glassy eyes that my sperm was jetting up to splatter him over and over again right on his face, saw my come running down his legs, coating him from head to toe!
Finally, it was all over, and he lay gasping, still clinging to my rapidly deflating organ.
"Boy, you're really a mess!" I sighed after a time.
"What say you?"
I repeated it, more or less, in Middle English, and he nodded. "I will need another dip in the brook in the morning, icy though it may be."
"You could use a warm bath." I agreed.
"I have no way to heat the water."
"I wasn't thinking of a bathtub." I said.
"What is your plan?"
I smiled and picked him up. "I won't harm you, my small lover." I said. "Trust me."
And I dipped him feet first into my mouth. I got most of the way up to his groin and, supporting him carefully there, I rolled my tongue over his legs inside my mouth.
"Oh, yes, yes!" He groaned. "Ah, lick me clean!"
Done with that, I held him then by his legs and I licked that body of his like a big ice- cream bar, running my tongue up that salty, sticky, sweaty form, and he groaned in ecstacy at the feel of my tongue rasping over him, and I felt his cock getting hard all over again. I licked at his rod, and licked at it, and licked at it, while he groaned, louder and louder.
I was surprised how quickly he managed it, but he shot another wad then as I licked his cock, and I caught most of it on my tongue. Done, he sat down on my hand and I ran my tongue very gently over his face, and he kissed my tongue as I moved it over his cheeks and around his neck.
"There, that's got you all clean." I said after a time. "Ready to sleep now, my little friend?"
"Yes." He sighed. "Now I can sleep."
He lay down on my chest and slept like that.
In the morning light, he seemed abashed, and I didn't press him further. The Church had a firm hold on people's lives at this time, I knew. I ignored the night's events, as if it had never happened.
"I shall need a story to tell about the giant I fought." he said.
"You'll need proof, too." I said. "You have the scene of our struggle, but more may help."
We considered it, and I let him cut a lock from my hair, and pared one of my thumbnails off in a large crescent for him to take back.
"Now for the story." he said.
"Jack and the Giant-Killer." I joked.
"How did you know my name was Jack?" he looked at me, wide-eyed.
"A lucky guess." I temporized. "But let me tell you the story if you haven't heard it, you might be able to use it...."
* * * * *
I was back in the lab with my own trophy, the small sword of my little lover, Jack. I showed it to them and told them (somewhat, leaving out that incredible night) of my adventures. "There's no question I'll be dismissed as a tall tale." I said. "A lock of my hair, and a thumbnail paring is slight enough evidence for his silence, and he agreed to show it only when he had to."
"Clear proof of the expanding universe by the steady-state hypothesis." Dr. Kendrick said. "The space grows between atoms, and more are formed from the tension, filling in the spaces, and thus our universe grows, and will continue to grow forever. I must determine what light this casts upon Paul Dirac's discovery that gravity is a decreasing variable."
"It could be that our measuring system is flawed, and gravity does remain the same." Dr. Crichton agreed. "It is the stretching that makes it only APPEAR that gravity is decreasing."
"It would have to in a steady-state universe." Dr. Kendrick said. "God, how this is going to shake up the scientific world! They've been building theories of multiverses based on the Big Bang...."
They walked off wrangling in this vein and left me alone. Just me, and my memories of a night I'll never forget, or ever get anyone to even believe! I considered this dilemma, and slipped the sword from the laboratory bench, and into the palm of my hand from the laboratory bench. I'd need my own souvenir if anyone was to believe my story.
Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.