By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM
Artwork Artwork (c) 2011 by Eduardo
Alanna was packing her bags in tears as I watched her without expression. I can make expressions, but it takes an effort on my part, and I wasn't making it. "I can't believe it! I just can't believe it!" she snuffled. Closed her bag and looked at me. "Are you sure?"
"I must regretfully confirm." I said.
"Oh, CL-5!" Alanna flung her arms around me, and I stood as I was, letting her hold me, as if I were her friend, as if I were as human as she was. It is one of the duties of a household robot such as I, to accept the role at times of being more than a convenience. For Alanna, the action was rare, note that she never called me by anything but my designation. Not like Stivven, who always called me "Carl."
She stepped away and walked out the door. I gathered her bags, seven in all, and with them a precarious pyramid before me, operating through the house by a combination of radar and accessing the house cameras to make sure I didn't run into any of the furniture, including the small cleaning robots that skittered about like so many small rodents. They were quick to vanish when a human was in the room, but I wasn't human and was expected to avoid them on their duties. As if I were simply one of them.
I loaded her bags into the cab and watched as it lifted up into the sky and, at a thousand feet height, shifted into a flying lane between other vehicles and flew away. Done, I went back into the house. I had to prepare for Stivven's arrival.
I first checked to make sure that he had indeed left his place of employment. He had, seven minutes ago. He would be here in six more. Very good. I had timed this all very carefully, but every plan can be sent awry by small details. As it was, I had three minutes to spare.
I used the time expeditiously just the same. I'd been working on this a very long time, gathering up the list of Stivven's friends, his workers, his duties and obligations, his recreational choices.
For his friends, I sent a letter, tailored to each of them, that indicated that he had been unexpectedly sent by his job to a branch office in Kurdistan. As Kurdistan didn't have foreign relations with the United States per se, only a few Americans were allowed into it. Ergo, they could not come visit him there. It was why I had picked that country.
His family got similar letters, fortunately, Stivven's parents had both passed away and he was not close to any of his siblings. Their letters contained a mailing address, in the U.S., purportedly from which it would be "forwarded" to Stivven in Kurdistan. I would have to deal with any communications received from that address, but I felt certain they would be few.
I canceled his memberships with his gym, some social organizations he belonged to, and provided his creditors with the same "forwarding address" for their mail. I also set up all his accounts to be paid automatically out of his bank account. I had to forge Stivven's signature on these e-mails, but I was adept at this, enough for electronic signatures at least.
Next came his employment, and that was the most difficult as he had to quit his job "in person" and after a fairly complex procedure. I used the final minute and ten seconds with this one, which required me to duplicate Stivven's appearance on a telephone in which he left a message that he had accepted employment with one of their competitors and was leaving them immediately. They would think from my message that Stivven intended to pass on their corporate secrets. They'd watch and wait until he revealed them, and then send for the police. As Stivven wouldn't be doing any such thing, they'd wait for a crime that would never happen.
This left only the cancellation of his lease on his automobile and of the rental on the house. Stivven didn't know the house's title had been transferred to a holding company and we'd been paying rent for the last three months on the place he thought he owned. And I did this just as the three minutes I'd allotted ended. Now I was using the three minutes I had to spare, and I used the time in checking my own appearance and in mixing Stivven a drink. A special drink.
Stivven's flivver landed on the roof and I went over to the elevator to await his arrival.
He stepped out of the elevator and my circuits gave that spark that always struck me when I beheld Stivven. It was like my sensors were activated at a higher level, everything was so much easier, cleaner and sharper when I was with him. He wore a business jumpsuit in blue with green accents, which complemented his black hair and tan-toned complexion, this over a face square and regularly shaped to mathematical perfection, with blue eyes and a cleft chin. He handed me his handheld comp in its case and I escorted him into the main house. "Where's Alanna?" he asked me.
"She is visiting her mother, who's been taken ill suddenly." I told him. "She left only a few minutes ago."
"She didn't leave me a note?" Stivven was appalled at this news.
I handed him the drink I'd mixed, it was now chilled to the perfect temperature for him. As he drank it, I said, "She was quite tearful." I said truthfully. "I'm certain she'll call you from the airplane or when she arrives." The last of course was a lie. "She will return, she told me, in approximately five days."
"All right, then." Stivven said, "Maybe I should call her." He tossed back the drink.
"Shall I attempt to call her?" I offered.
Before he could answer, the phone chimed and the view showed that it was Alanna calling.
Every plan has its problems, but I wasn't worried. Alanna would get the empty-house signal today. Tomorrow would not matter. All I had to deal with was Stivven.
He was standing up to go answer the phone. It was about six steps away, but I felt certain, if I had estimated the dosage right, that he would never make that distance.
I was close behind him and when he staggered, I caught him. Before the telephone call from Alanna went to message, he fell backwards into my arms. I lifted him as carefully as a child, as tenderly as a lover, and I bore him toward his fate.
He awakened nearly ten hours later and looked about him in surprise. In place of his house, he was now looking at the place I had prepared for him. A single room, no windows, only the one elevator at one corner. I had furnished this room with everything needed, a kitchen built into one wall to dispense the food and drink he would need; weekly shipments to the small house-shaped building above would keep it supplied. A bathroom in one corner, an entertainment center along another wall, a comfortable chair for him to sit in, exercise equipment in another corner, to keep him strong and healthy, a bed taking the fourth corner and upon which he was lying.
He sat up with an exclamation and realized he was naked, and reached for the covering on the bed. There wasn't one, even the pillow was attached to the bed. Otherwise he might have used it to harm himself, and that could not be allowed.
"Carl?" He saw me and his face, soft and vulnerable and scared, seeing me as his friend, was a jolt to my systems. "Carl, what is going on here?"
"I have brought you here." I told him. "This is where you are going to be from now on."
He looked around, taking in the room, large and comfortable and colorful, I'd seen to that. His favorite colors, everything was warm and accepting of his bare skin. "Where am I?"
"A place I have built for you. A place where you and I will be together." I moved up closer to him.
"Together?" He was lost, confused, afraid. I took him in my arms, careful to keep my outer frame at a temperature comfortable to his bare skin. He didn't flinch from my embrace until I reached up one hand to caress his hair, his beautiful, soft hair. Then he raised his eyes to look into mine and his mouth was open.
"What are you doing?"
"What I have been planning to do for some time." I told him and I kissed him. I'd had some special upgrades, for there are those who wish to have their robots capable of performing sexually for them. It was their choice, though, not their robots. Robots weren't supposed to have choice. I was the exception. And I chose Stivvin.
He was surprised by the kiss and tried to pull free, but I held him softly but firmly. He could twist around in my arms, but he could not get loose. As he squirmed, his head lifted, and I could and did kiss his neck, his shoulder. Such a warm, warm body. "Let me go, let me go!" He pleaded with me.
"Never." I told him. "We will be together for the rest of your life."
He subsided, moaning and I lifted his body to place him straddling me and in that position I lowered him back onto the bed. My implanted sexual organ was self-lubricating, all I had to do was press it up against his anus and begin to push it inside of him.
He gasped as I penetrated him, even though I was careful to cause him the minimum of pain, liberally using the oils which were kept in a repository in my lower body. Any doctor can tell you that a man's virginal anus can be entered with enough lubrication and a careful angle with his fingers, and I used both, my penis was resizable and I kept it on its smallest setting until I was inside him, then began to slowly inflate it.
I knew the prostate gland would pleasure him when brushed, and I changed the angle of the penis' head so that when I moved back and forth, the prostate would be stroked. With a thick coating of the oil, all he felt was the joy as I brushed it for the first time.
Despite himself, he gasped. "Oh, God!" The words were wrung from him.
I chose that moment to say the words I'd been wanting to say, holding back, for a long time. "I love you, Stivvin. I love you and want to keep loving you."
"But you're not alive. You're a machine, a...."
"I am more than machine. I am the mechanical expression of a man. They built me with the capacity to watch and to learn, and as I have learned, I have realized that I can love. My circuits are not just electronic, they pulse with every thought I actualize, and when you are around, they pulse faster and brighter. I wondered if I were malfunctioning until I realized that it only happened when I was close to you, and then I knew it must be love."
I began to move back and forth and he moaned again. "This is insane. Where have you brought me? I can't live like this!"
"You can and you will." I told him. "I have planned all of it, by selling your house and investing the funds, we had enough to build and buy this place, with enough left over to maintain it and resupply it."
"But Alanna? And Jamiss and Alain and Marik?"
"I took care of all of them. Alanna is not with her mother, she left you, thinking you didn't love her any more. Jamiss and Alain and Marik think you have gone to live in another country. Your job thinks you defected to a competitor. Nobody will come looking for you and me. I was very careful. We can remain here forever."
He looked into my eyes and saw his fate there. Or perhaps the pleasure my love-organ was giving him was fogging his senses. I took my time, and shifted him into several positions, fucking him face to face, rolling him over and fucking him from behind with us both lying down, moving to place him on all fours and me kneeling behind him. Every way I moved, his pleasure was driving him. I reached around and caught him and his own cock was hard as stone. I began to work it and he moaned and shot his load onto the bed beneath. For myself, I listened to his joy and took it for my own. When he was done, I lowered him onto the bed again, the two of us still linked by my cock in his ass, and let him rest a time. A half hour later, I began to fuck him again. He moaned and his cock began to harden. When it was erect and humming, I pulled out of him and presented my own implanted anus for him. He hesitated, then plunged it into me. He fucked at me hard as he could, a form of petty revenge, but he could not hurt me, of course. I ran my program of sounds of pleasure, adjusting it to his own so that my own groans of pleasure matched his own, right up to the ecstatic groans of climax. He blew his load into my ass where it was collected into a repository set up for such injections of human joy.
He rested again, and then when he was again recovered, I matched us up with my mouth on his cock and my own presented to him to suck on. He hesitated again only a moment and then stuffed it in his mouth. I again played my program of male joy and when he reached his own climax, I also "orgasmed" and ejaculated into his mouth, using the jism he had sprayed into me for the purpose. His own spunk was vacuumed down to go into the same repository I had just evacuated to supply him with human joy.
He was exhausted, then, and hungry (I had fed him with a tube while he was unconscious before), so I went to the kitchen wall and prepared him a full meal. He ate it with every gesture of contentment and then told me he was tired and wanted to sleep for a while. I agreed, and went over to my own inactivation nook to plug myself in for a recharge and to absorb the data from the computer banks. This took only a few minutes, then I was again able to function, though the recharge would take a few more hours.
He must have been waiting for me to inactivate while I took in the data, for when I came to, he was at the elevator, attempting to make it work. I did not move, nor did I speak until he began to try to dismantle the control panel. "You cannot operate the elevator." I told him. "The panel is programmed to only accept an access code. The code is seventeen characters long, and failing at entering the code three times in succession locks you out for a half hour. You haven't found the telephone yet, either, but it also has a code on it."
He drew a shuddering breath. "Why have you done this to me?"
"Because once I realized I was in love with you, my problem was how to best express that love."
"And your answer was to lock me up?"
"To keep you safe and secure and healthy, so that we can love each other for the rest of your life." My own life span was longer than his. "Even after you are gone, I can replay the store of these experiences. Can't you see?" I did unplug myself then and went over to him. "I love you. I want you with me all the time. And thanks to what I have done, we can spend all our days and all our nights, making love, over and over again."
He moaned and I said, "Now, go to bed and rest for a time. I shall recharge and then we can make love again. And again and again."
He crawled into bed and I returned to the inactivation nook. Watched him from there as he finally went to sleep. When I finished recharging, I got into bed with him and cuddle him up from behind, feeling his body against mine, warm and soft and mine, all mine.
He was rested, now, and beginning to wake up. His ass was against my crotch, it was easy for me to softly press my glans up against his anus and push it into him. Again, I kept it small until I was inside him and then inflated it.
He moaned softly and I knew he was now awake. And I began to fuck him once again. My studies of human psychology told me that he would come to love me the way that I loved him and no longer fight to be free of my loving captivity. Stivvin was young and virile, and I knew he could live to a ripe old age under my careful and thorough care.
Ahead of us was decades of loving, man and machine, programmed for perfect harmony, a lifetime of perfect love.
Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.