By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM
Angorn of the Kezi Clan saw the smoke rising from his home valley and knew that he was doomed. He and the other three members of his hunting party immediately set off running down the foothills towards their home village (for that was where the smoke was coming from) and though they ran until their hearts threatened to burst from their breasts, they still could not make the journey for some three hours, and by the time they reached the crest of the last hill and looked down into their home valley, the damage had already been done. Their homes were in flames, their families were killed or captured, their warrior-brothers all slain (for none of them, or almost none, would have surrendered for so long as any part of the village still stayed defensible), but Angorn's dilemma was still worse than all of his comrades, for he was the son of the head of the Kezi Clan, and the tribe that had attacked them was that of the Kezi-Nah Clan, that of his uncle, his father's younger brother. His uncle would not have launched such a treacherous assault unless he had planned to kill his elder brother, Angorn's father...along with Angorn, his mother, and his three younger siblings. He knew that by now, surely all of them were lying dead in the flames of his village and his heart threatened to break.
The warriors about him stood by him, and he felt pride in their loyalty even in this circumstance. He looked upon them and his heart resolved, these three at least would not be killed.
"You must go to my uncle and swear fealty to him." he commanded. "You owe it to your families to survive and your best chance of that is to go before him now, in his moment of victory, and prostrate yourselves before him in submission."
"But what of you?" Devend asked fearfully, for he of these three was his closest friend.
"I must find my life elsewhere." Angorn said as stolidly as he could.
"But where can you go?"
"I know not, but go I must." Angorn said.
"Then take my sword." Devend proffered the sword given him by his father. A finely crafted blade from the northern lands, molded from the highest quality steel from forges far hotter than his own people could manage. "May it guard you as well as it has me."
"And take my arrows." Wellett handed him his quiver. "You will need them more than I."
"And my waterskin." Jobbin gave him the fully-filled skin. "It is of the best cured deerskin and keeps the water sweet."
"I am grateful to you all." he said. "Now go and make your peace with my uncle." The three forlornly went down the hill, looking back at him. He made the bravest stance he could for them, holding Devend's sword, his own bearskin cape blowing gently in the cold winter air (this land rarely saw snow, but the air came to them bitten by the snows of the mountains to the north in which hills he now stood), wearing the crossed-leather straps of the warrior, his simple deerskin loincloth wrapped about his loins, and below that, more crossed straps held fur as leggings from just below his knees down to wrap his feet fully. The fur at his feet was warded in part by wooden sandal-like soles that were bound by the straps that held up his leggings. And beneath all this was himself, with long black hair held at bay by a headband woven by his mother, his chest large and well-formed, his arms strong enough to wield a blade or his heavy yew bow that he could pull back as if it were the slenderest of willow bows such as children played at battle with, all of this with the barest scattering of man-hairs on his chest and forearms, such as had never yet bothered to show on his cleft chin or large, square jaws. He watched them out of his blazing dark eyes and then turned and moved resolutely eastward into the hills, his goal now the lands of the Lizardmen.
He did not plan to tarry long in these lands, but he could not go through the lands of his uncle, he must needs go around. He could try to find a home at the hearth of one of the other tribes once he had done so, but this trek would tax his body to the utmost, for the Lizardmen never failed to kill True Men as soon as they saw such luckless souls upon their lands.
Angorn trod at a pace that was designed to eat up ground as quickly as he could while not winding him as the race toward his village had done. His people had no riding animals so he was very used to using his feet to cover distances and his hunting in the hills had given him a stamina few even of his own village could match.
So he crested the final hill and was into the larger valley beyond which was the land of the Lizardmen. This valley was formed from what must have at one time have been a tremendous inland sea, now it was a desolate land of infertile rocks and sand, among which lived only a few hardy plants, fewer even hardier animals, and the Lizardmen. The waterskin he carried was his lifeline (wise Jobbin to give it to him as his final gift!) and he dared not take any more from it at a time than he needed to moisten his throat. And so, with increasing thirst and fear, he trod along as best he could. His tempo, so normally sustainable for many hours, was failing him, for this earth beneath him wasn't firm, it gave way under his feet, not every step, but enough to throw him off, make a steady pace impossible.
And as he turned northward to travel toward the lands of the Ibarra Clan, the lands began again to buckle into hills on him, not clean ones well-smoothed by rains and grass, but ragged ones formed only by wind that chewed rather than ground the hills into shape. These hills held crags, gullies, caves and overhangs that made the entire terrain one nature-formed for ambush by predators. He trudged onwards, as the sun began to reach for the horizon and the shadows of the hills snaked out towards him. He began to wonder where he dared make camp in this dead, dangerous land.
And it was then that he encountered his first Lizardman. A Lizardwoman, in fact, a female. The sexual dimorphism among the Lizardmen was extreme, while the males resembled humans to a great extent (only their heads remained lizardlike, the rest of them was of the same proportions and nature as mankind, and the wise men of the tribes often speculated if they and Man came from Earth-mother at the same time, or if their shape was a cruel joke of the gods after the first creations were done.
She leapt at him from one of the myriad overhangs and Angorn caught the heavy musky whiff of her skin as she did so. It was strong enough to make him gag, she absolutely reeked, far more than the females he had encountered before (rarely), but he dodged her body as she blasted up and over at him, his sword blade flashed and her head was severed from her neck with the single blow. Devend had kept the sword's edge razor-like indeed!
He heard the trod of many feet. Lizardmen! They ran in packs of five or ten males, and while each individually was no match for a well-armed human, the pack could bring down a single warrior by dint of their ability to coordinate their attacks in a way that no humans could manage. It was as if they could read each other's minds and react/support/cover their comrades instantaneously.
He did all he could, he backed into the overhang the female had sprung from, and prepared to meet the pack as best he could from there, his back warded at least and the angle of assault limited to the fore and sides alone.
The pack arrived, eight sturdy male Lizardmen, all of the same size of some five feet and well-built, their bodies very like True Men, though their skin was greenish and covered in a fine coat of tightly interwoven scales, and of course their heads, which had won them their names "Lizardmen." This pack came up and at first, aghast at the death of the female, ignored Angorn entirely.
"She is slain!" one of the Lizardmen cried out as he fell to the female's side.
"Brothers, we have lost her!" a second wailed.
"What can we do? Her scent is here still?" a third asked dolefully.
"We could mate with her body." a fourth said hopefully.
"The time is nearly upon us, the start of the new cycle begins at sundown." a fifth declaimed, and at that, the others fell silent. "We must either do as Mek suggested and use this poor female's body for our lust, or we must find and take another before the sun sets."
"But where would we dare attempt take another female?" the third Lizardman questioned. "We have no time to invade the territory of another female and chase away the pack guarding her. We must make the best of things this year and next year, we will search for a female worthy of our lineage and...."
And that was the first any of these males had noticed Angorn. He had begun to dare to hope that they would take off without molesting him, but now they all turned to face him.
"A Man!"
"It is one of the Men!"
"We must slay him!"
"He intrudes upon our female's territory!"
"He must die!"
They drew their blades, wooden but expertly honed and hardened in fire so well that they could stab a man's heart or slash the skin deeply, and Angorn prepared to die as bravely as he could.
But the hand of the fifth Lizardman, who seemed to be the dominant male in this pack, raised to stop them in their tracks. "Hold, brothers!" he declaimed. "Before we shed our blood in a battle with this Man, let us see if he holds the answer to our problem."
"How can a Man help us with a dead female, Dem?" a sixth Lizardman demanded. "His sword drips with her blood still, he is the one that slay her!"
"And he cannot bring her back to life, nor can we." the leader asserted. "Let us lay out the choice for him and see if he will let us avoid this bloodshed and the pain and delay it will cost us on this most important of days." To Angorn, he said, "Have you understood any of this, Man?"
"I have killed your female, and that has caused you great distress." Angorn agreed. "I would gladly have avoided her had I been able, she attacked me and I defended myself. Beyond this, I am ignorant of understanding you."
"I understand your confusion, for I myself know somewhat of the ways of Men. You have many females, and may mate with them when and as you would. But we Lizardmen, have only a few females, and must band together in groups to protect her for the one night of each year that she is fertile and may receive us. That night is the tenth night after the shortest day of the year and that night comes tonight. If we do not mate tonight, we will not mate again for a full year. Our female's pheromones have raised our mating urge to a height that will force us to mate with her corpse unless we find another choice."
"So what has that to do with me?"
"You are here and we must fight you. But I know well that your sword will kill or injure several of us before we can overcome you. We will suffer greatly, but you will die. You agree that this is an inevitable result, leaving neither of us satisfied."
"That is true." Angorn lowered his sword slightly. Of all the ways this could have turned out, this discussion was last on his list of expectations!
"So let us propose another choice for you. It will satisfy us, and will preserve your life and may depart unharmed in the morning."
"What is that?"
"The pheromones of this female require that we mate somehow this night. We won't be able to control ourselves. We have no desire to mate with a dead female, no matter how powerful her pheromones remain on her body."
Angorn's face turned from an expression of puzzlement to increasing horror. "You want to mate with me?"
"We want to mate with something approximating a warm, live body. You are larger than us, as large as a smaller female. If you get on all fours, you will be much like a female. In the morning, we will regain our composure and allow you to depart in peace."
Angorn was silent, his mouth working, appalled.
"The only other choice is for our lust to replace itself with rage, and we will then rend your flesh into many very small and bloody pieces. We will even eat a good deal of it. Please choose, and choose quickly for the sun is nearly down and the full rut will encompass us."
Angorn sought another way out and there wasn't one. He was fully willing to die fighting, but to die when he didn't have to? He would have to ingratiate himself into another tribe, humiliating himself over and over again for what could well endure his entire life. The best he could hope to expect was that of a bodyguard for some tribal chief, to sit at a chieftain's fire if not to partake of any but the dregs and leftovers. His only other option to this humiliation, to all of the humiliations, was the bloody death Dem had prophesized.
In complete silence, he took off his bearskin cape and laid it on the ground. Knelt down up on it and turned around, his buttocks facing the Lizardmen. He still could not bring himself to say anything, his actions were painful enough for him.
And the Lizardmen gave out a keening cry as the sun fell fully beneath the Worldrim and night began. The sound was unfamiliar to Angorn, it was a throbbing sound that continued on and on. Not only this pack was making it, he realized, but all the Lizardmen of this valley were doing it, and further away perhaps, and the sound reverberated within Angorn's senses and became a part of him. And the Lizardmen moved to surround him, kneeling all around him, and he saw their penises, long, slimy, red and erect. They did not have a glans like a human's, but in a place an inch or so below the tip was a bulge that would work much the same way. The red dongs were thickly coated with the mucus from the cloaca that it sprouted from, he gave silent thanks at least that he would not have to take these pricks without any lubrication at all.
And the first Lizardman (he didn't see, but felt certain it would be Dem as the head Lizardman in this pack) gripped his hips after lifting his loincloth upwards and away from his groin. The dong stabbed at his anus and he gasped! Oh, God, the pressure of it was greater than he had imagined it would be! He regretted now spurning the attentions of the medicine man who had tried to bed him a year before, he could have prepared for this invasion of his buttocks.
The cock got a purchase at the tiny center of his sphincter, and Dem made the throbbing noise again and Angorn realized that the Lizardman's cock was throbbing in tune with it. The effect of that was strangely...erotic. He still didn't relish this multiple assault he was about to undergo, but his body seemed to accept it the natural order of things.
Dem pushed into Angorn slowly but persistently and the throbbing noise and the throbbing cock forced Angorn's body to accept it inside him. Dem's cock got a few inches inside him, the mucus coating making the trip not uncomfortable, and then it touched a place inside Angorn he never expected existed. The bump on Dem's cock was touching a bump inside of his body, and this bump of his was...exciting! The touch of the Lizardman's bulge was stroking him and he shuddered as the bump ran over the bump in Angorn and he couldn't help but release a short groan of his pleasure.
And Dem shuddered himself. "Yes, my brothers, this Man's body will suffice for us. Help me to stimulate him to increase my own pleasure, as you would a female."
And the other Lizardmen slid in closer and Angorn's body was touched by seven pairs of hands that moved in concert all over his body. From his knees to his neck, the hands played over him, stroking him gently, so gently that his nerves tingled. Angorn couldn't help himself, he had to moan as Dem began to move back and forth and that bulge in his ass swelled up bigger. That caused it to plus Angorn's ass, the Lizardman could move and thrust as he willed, the cock would not leave Angorn's bowels, the sphincter would catch it and would bulge out but not release it. And when that bulbous part would slid over Angorn's internal pleasure-center, the waves of joy it sent out were enough to drive him into...loving this!
"Oh, gods above and below!" he cried out. "Your shaft is sending joy throughout my body! I cannot believe that I have lived for this, to give myself to you Lizardman like this, but it is my destiny!"
"Our Man is pleased with us!" one of the Lizards (Mek? Or another? Angorn could not yet tell them apart). "You are mating with him very well, my brother Dem!"
"Yes, his body is pulling at my organ most joyfully." Dem panted. "We may mate with this one and he will please us all very well."
"Then let us enjoy him in other ways and see how he enjoys that." a Lizardman suggested.
And Angorn found himself with Lizardman prongs shoving at him from all sides. One of them was at his face and it slopped on one cheek. Lizardman hands were lifting him up, guiding his hands to other slime-coated cocks and Angorn felt his passion triggering a complete surrender to these horny Lizardmen, for their throbbing sounds continued to penetrate his senses and override everything he had grown up with.
His mouth caught the cock in front of him and he sucked at it, the mucus covering it was slippery but not distasteful and the ones in his hands were covered enough with slime to let him simply hang on and the Lizardmen's bobbing back and forth drove them in and out of his fists.
Other cocks had pressed against his bare skin in four places and they were rubbing at him frantically.
Dem was ramming his ass hard and fast now, the bulb was large enough to be rather uncomfortable now, but the heat told Angorn he didn't need to hold out much more, and the Lizardman groaned out and hot slimy Lizardman jizz sprayed into Angorn's ass and as it flew, the bulge decreased, Angorn wondered if it was a repository for the Lizardman's spunk before ejaculation, and the exhausted prong fell out of Angorn's ass and Dem got up and away from Angorn's ass and another took his place.
The hard prong slammed into Angorn without prelude and his ass allowed it without a hint of protest. The bulb again stroked his prostate and Angorn moaned and sucked harder at the prick in his mouth and the Lizardmen's throbbing was matching his heartbeat note for note, throb-throb-throb-throb-throb!
All those cocks were driving his own joy upwards in a hurry. Angorn thought about holding back, but what was the use if this was to go on all night long? He groaned and felt Lizardmen's hands feeling for his cock and grabbing it and he hunched at the hands that held him and spurted out his jizz and a Lizardman's hands caught the spunk as it flew out and Angorn felt the hand as it raised up to capture the final drips, and then it lifted away and he looked around to see Dem raising a white-splattered hand up to his face and licking at the jism with a rapidly flicking forked tongue.
Angorn slumped down to press his face onto the bearskin and a Lizardman's cock pressed on his cheek, but he let it stay there as it was, rubbing on him, as this second Lizardman's dong in his ass squirted, and was replaced with another. The hands on Angorn's cock kept hold on him and as his youthful sexual energy caused it to rise again, the hands began to jerk on him, forcing him to rejoin them in pleasure.
Lizardman after Lizardman fucked Angorn throughout the night, and by the time the eighth brother had squirted into Angorn's ass, Dem was ready to go again. Angorn's ass was relaxed to the point of being numbed by then, and his own pleasure rose in him again and again as the Lizardmen fucked him, over and over, again and again, and his own pleasure was such that he lost all count of his own climaxes by dawn. The number of times a Lizardman came in his ass, he lost track of before midnight.
But dawn came at last, and with it, the Lizardmen finally released him. "And you have given us surcease from our lust and we will honor our bargain." Dem told Angorn. "You may travel on as you will, you are safe within this territory so long as we are here in command of it. Another female will come along and claim it this autumn, we hope."
Angorn donned his bearskin cape wearily and moved onward. It turned out that Dem's brothers controlled all the land he needed to circumvent his uncle's holdings. Angorn found his way to the neighboring tribe's land and was taken before its chieftain. As he knew it would be, his life that spring and summer and fall was a series of humiliations and tribulations. As winter came on, and the shortest night came and went, the festival of the tribe was like a slap in his face. He had been an integral part of the festivals of his father, but here...he was an onlooker alone.
And as he fell asleep, he found himself thinking of what had happened a year ago. What had happened to him had been a nothing compared to the life he had now! The thought became a plan, then the plan became action.
He gathered his pitiful belongings and set out for the Lizardmen's lands. He could be there well in time for the next Lizardmen's mating night. This time, he was going to see if they would let him stay with them the rest of his life!
Comments, Complaints or Suggestions?
Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.