PRICE: $4.00
This book contains 30 of my stories about men, either present-day or future, dealing with aliens who are after their bodies...and not to eat them! Sometimes the alien is civilized and gentle, sometimes it's a case of a tentacled horny being taking what it wants from our hapless (but ultimately willing) heroes. What can you do when you're dealing with an alien who just won't take "no" for an answer? Get ready for the ramming of your life, is what! Included among these 30 stories are all nine of the "Dash Hogan" adventures, covering all three of his horny expeditions.
This eBook contains the following 30 stories with 20 of them also carrying an illustration:
My Pet Human--Our alien hero wishes a pet and what would make a better pet for him than a human, those strange beings that look so much like himself, only a sixth as tall and obviously not intelligent. But the handsome young male human he adopts for his pet turns out to have talents that he never suspected including a surprising way of communication that doesn't involve telepathy, the very foundation of intelligent life!
Easter on Inselah--It is spring on the planet Insehlah and the trumpet at dawn has alerted Mankind and our hero Thlem that it is Easter day, Thlem's first since coming of age. As an adult, Thlem must participate in the alien yearly ritual around this holiday and he learns just how different Easter is on this alien world for the Men who live there.
First Contact--Luke and Jeb, two Ozark hillbillies, are visited by an alien visitor, making first contact with the human race. But this humanoid alien didn't expect the reception he got from these horny hillbillies, who give him a first contact he'll never forget!
Dash Hogan and the Moon Men--The first of several Dash Hogan adventures in outer space. Dash has blasted off from Earth and lands safely on the Moon. He finds the Moon Men have built a doomsday device to destroy the Earth. But these Moon Men are hiding a surprising secret and it's up to Dash to use this knowledge to save Earth!
The Discovery of Flesh--Prexl and Qaval are two beings of pure energy who have discovered a planet where intelligence actually resides inside a material body. Determined to understand how this is even possible, they decide to try bodies on for themselves and see if living inside flesh is feasible. They discover that living inside flesh is not only feasible, it's downright delightful!
Souvenir From a Small Planet--James, heading home from an interstellar vacation, is temporarily stranded on a small, unknown planet. While there, he picks up a very friendly little alien chipmunk and takes it home with him as a pet. After all, what could go wrong? Well, a lot, actually, and that's when all the trouble starts!
Dash Hogan and the Pixies of Phobos--Dash Hogan is an intrepid pioneer of space, flying from world to world and encountering life everywhere. But when he gets to Phobos, he finds that the little inhabitants have a strange power over that could kill him with pleasure!
Aliens on Board--Our hero has to get something from the ship's hold at the other end of the ship. Trouble is, the space between is crawling with aliens that are actively hunting our hero. The odds are against our hero, but when the aliens catch him, killing him turns out to be the last thing they have on their minds!
Space Lottery--Jeff works in a space mining colony, and the cramped conditions and dull off-duty environment is getting to him. Then he's surprised to be told about the weekly lottery and even more surprised when he's the winner! But the prize is to be turned over to the alien workers on the site, the Vendi, who take him to their quarters and what happens after that is the oddest lottery prize he's ever encountered!
Dash Hogan and the Martian Menace--Dash Hogan finally makes it to Mars, but a sandstorm nearly does him in. He is rescued by the Martians and once safe in their underground city, he learns the secret behind their plans for invading the Earth!
The Serendipity Factor--Don, a guard for the human mission to Decimus XII, has saved the life of one of the natives and is being rewarded by being adopted into their tribe as the native's bond-brother. He's uncomfortable with the idea, but is told by the lead scientist that the serendipity factor of this adoption would make it all worthwhile for him. And it turned out the man was right, but in a way that nobody could have expected.
You Call This an Abduction?--Jim-Bob Jackson is driving his pickup home when he gets abducted by aliens. Only these aliens don't seem to know what they're doing, and if Jim-Bob wants to get a proper anal probe, it looks like he'll have to do it himself! And things only get weirder from there!
Dash Hogan and the Jungles of Venus--Dash Hogan is off on his second expedition, this time he is bound for Venus, only to find that he has arrived at the beginning of their mating season and he is their prime choice for mate!
A Trade Deal--Mark has gone to the Far Star Bar to meet Bloxnir the Glymian, an alien with some intriguing technology to offer mankind. Mark has to figure out which one Bloxnir is, and then has to make Bloxnir's acquaintance the Glymian having sex with him. But Bloxnir is large, green and heavily covered in mucus...bleagh! Just how bad does Mark want this trade deal?
When the Gremlins Came--Our hero thinks he's crazy when the gremlins came, because he's the only one who can see or hear them. And they all know who he is! But when they start having sex with every man in sight (and the men don't seem to notice they're having sex!), he has to decide whether he's going to try to fight these gremlins...or join in on the fun!
Dash Hogan and the Comet Culture--Dash Hogan's trip to Mercury is interrupted by a passing comet, but this is no ordinary snowball he's faced with, it contains an alien race composed entirely of cometary gas who have their own plans for our hero and the wonderful organ he carries between his legs.
The Fukin Swarm--Rast Formin and Captain D'Tal are Spacefleet men visiting one of the Lost Worlds when they are asked by the natives to assist them in dealing with a "fukin swarm," an onslaught against which the only defense is to best them at sex!
The Report on Earth--He has come to Earth to study its population and see if they pose a threat to the Galactic Union. But his attempt to blend in isn't perfect, especially when it comes to one part of his anatomy, and this means his report on Earth is going to be based on the men at the local gay bar!
Dash Hogan and the Wall of Mercury--Dash makes it to Mercury, only to find that the habitable twilight band is itself split down the middle by a tremendous wall! Then he finds out the wall exists to separate sexual tops from sexual bottoms, and both of them have plans for our hero!
My Roommate is an Alien--Our hero gets home from work one day to find his roommate acting very strangely. Instead of being a straight, lazy slob, he's now cleaned the apartment, cooked our hero a nice dinner, and then taken him to bed for some of the most fantastic sex he's ever had. Something has to be wrong here...unfortunately!
How to Survive on Eumica-5--Our hero has crash-landed on Eumica 5, and his chance of being rescued any time soon (if ever) is slim to none. With only his meager survival equipment, he's going to need the help of the Eumican natives to survive on this world. But the Eumicans have a cash-only policy. What can our hero offer them to survive. One of the natives makes him an offer, he can live with the native...provided he becomes the native's sexual slave. And the Eumicans are definitely NOT human!
Dash Hogan and the Arena of Vesta--Dash Hogan is off on his third mission to explore the Solar System, this time he's headed for the asteroid Vesta. When he gets there, he finds that a gigantic arena dominates this tiny worldlet...and when he meets the Vestan males, he finds out why the arena exists; it's literally a matter of life and death for this world, or was, until Dash came along!
The Paradise Parasites--Our hero and his shipmate, the first men to set foot on a world of another solar system, figure that they've hit the jackpot, this little world is so welcoming that they name it "Paradise." But on the trip home, they find that they've picked up a couple of hitchhikers from Paradise who have a unique way of communication.
The Last Line of Defense--Lt. Colonel Suggar Templeson is the commander of the last defensive line for the colony of Carborrah 4. The other positions, as they fell, turned from opposing the native hordes to declaring they were joining the natives now, and when the natives reach Templeson's line and the attack begins, he finds out why!
Dash Hogan and the Aborigines of Ganymede--Dash has made it to the moons of Jupiter, first stop is Ganymede, which turns out to be covered in a jungle inhabited by rapid-moving roots that trap him helpless and naked, and some tiny natives that have some very special ideas of what to do with Dash's nude body when they find him.
Should I Go Home for Christmas?--Our human hero lives in outer space, but as Christmas approaches, other humans get scarce. He goes to the "Far Star Bar" to meet with his alien buddies and they discuss Christmas, gay sex, and then of course, they have to test out how having a four way with four different alien species is going to turn out!
The Power of Love--DXR TRA is not human, but has been molded by an alien race to pass as one so he can spy upon the human race. He goes to Earth on his mission, only to find that he is vulnerable to a power he never suspected...the power of love!
Dash Hogan and the Lotus-Eaters of Callisto--Dash Hogan has arrived on the moon Callisto, to find the towns deserted, populated only by large flowering, vine-bearing plants. But as he explores, he finds the Callistans are there, but enslaved by the plants and the plants are about to add Dash to their collection. What is our horny hero going to do, him armed only with his high sex drive on a planet where the plants are counting on just that?
Feeding the Naveban--Our hero balks at going back to Earth to study the law as his father commands, so he instead is given a job working on one of his family's plantations, working with the Naveban to gather the oapop pods that are the basis of the family fortune. But there's a secret to working with the Naveban, and it concerns the special feeding they need so they'll do their part in the harvest.
The Royal Consort--In the future, Prince Edward, second son of the English King, goes forth to make the first arranged royal marriage between an Earthman and an alien king's son, thus forming an interstellar alliance. He knows nothing of what he must do there, he only knows he needs to be a credit to England!
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